Eddie Fenech Adami? |
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has hit rock bottom. And to say so only days after his huddle with Saviour Balzan and Wenzu Mintoff is saying a lot.
On Bondi+ last week, Eddie Fenech Adami criticised JPO for presenting his divorce private member's bill behind the backs of his leader and parliamentary colleagues, particularly on such a controversial matter.
Since he was elected on the PN ticket, Fenech Adami said in typically subdued tones, JPO could not act as if party discipline is non-existent. To make his point as gently as possible, the former PN leader even drew inverted commas in the air when he uttered the word 'discipline'.
Fenech Adami, of course, is spot on. As I had pointed out in a Sunday Times article months before the divorce referendum vote, this is not a matter of being for or against divorce, but of being for internal party democracy and against anarchy.
JPO's response to Fenech Adami's simple point was to rush to his facebook wall and equate the man who took us from Tal-Barrani to Brussels with Mao Tse-Tung, the communist dictator with the blood of 45 million Chinese people on his hands. Quoting from Mao's dreaded 'Little Red Book' on party discipline, the Nationalist dentist asks whether "it sounds familiar".
The PN certainly does have at least one fucking wanker in parliament.