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Harry Secombe, in "Oliver" |
The Forum Zghazagh Laburista has just adopted the following motion on student stipends.
Stqarrija21 ta’ Ottubru 2011
Maħruġa mill-Forum
"Il-Forum Żgħażagħ
Laburisti jemmen li l-istipendju għandu jiġi aġġornat biex jirrifletti
l-bżonnijiet reali tal-istudenti llum. Dan hekk kif minkejja li mill-aħħar darba
li kien aġġustat l-istipendju, il-ħajja baqgħet togħla, l-istudenti baqgħu
jirċievu l-istess ammont ta’ stipendju fix-xahar. Dan wassal biex sena wara
sena, il-valur tal-istipendju baqa’ dejjem jitnaqqar."
As a university student in Canada, one of the richest countries in the world, I had to work full-time on a toilet paper factory floor all through my summers to pay for my tuition fees and living expenses. And I used to moonlight as a magazine vendor during term time as well.
In today's Malta, where tuition is free and students are paid to study - while around Europe students are rioting because they cannot make ends meet - Labour is calling to pay them more money.
The call is being as we are still in the throes of the biggest financial meltdown Europe ever faced.
I thought Labour had moved away from the "Free lunch" mentality. Instead of promoting freedom, incentive, and individualism, they are promoting increasing reliance and dependency on government.
If anything the government should encourage students to do internships in order to commence their career while they are studying.
Increasing stipends will have the opposite effect.
Is it possible that they don't remember what Alfred Sant proposal for students was!
This is why Labour are so reluctsnt to talk about their policy proposals: when they do come up with something, it's invariably foolish.
When they fork out some "policies" ..... they will give more money to this and that, reduce taxes & bills. Is Malta economy falling down under gonzipn no ??! :
The same old story ...
From where the PL is getting this money?
How quickly we tend to forget...If it was for Labour we would have had to take out loans to get us through University...FZL the joke as always
Well said Andrew.
Society in general should Stop expecting to be GIVEN anything and start thinking about GIVING value and EARNING what they think they deserve.
Don't be too hard on them. They might have missed this story:
Or maybe they think stipends are flus tal-magiks.
That is exactly why the P.L. is reluctant to reveal their electoral proposals.
Whatever they say, good or bad,is ridiculed,so they are right to keep their mouths shut.
If this request wasbmade by some P.N.organisation,would the same bloggers have ridiculed it?
I think it's time to grow up, even the Libyans are now ahead of us.
I can feel another 'policy' the PL cannot keep worming its way to the surface - its called buying the student vote and then chucking them out - like the PL would have done with Sabrina!
It would be much better to hear this statement from the horse's mouth, that is Evarist Bartolo. It contradicts completely his policies re university students' stipends when he was Minister for Education in the last Labour Govt. in 1996.
Sorry Silvio, you are missing the point. Two points actually.
Policy proposals by government, opposition, political parties, NGOs, media or individuals are there to be discussed, judged, criticised, praised, ridiculed, rubbished, defended, etc. It is an essential part of democracy – in case you hadn’t noticed.
Instead of whining that life is unfair, why don’t you tell us whether you agree with increasing student stipends?
Moreover, you are politically illiterate if you seriously think the PN could ever make such a reckless and irresponsible proposal. Think Silvio. There must be a reason for the string of electoral victories registered by the PN.
Why should one who has been strutting all over cyberspace promoting himself and his aspirations to all and sundry, become so media-shy all of a sudden?
It is "in for a penny , in for a pound" when you are flirting with the media, Mr. C.E.
@Antoine Vella.
Yes I might be missing a couple of points,but I'm afraid you are missing the whole argument.
a. I am for all political parties publishing their political proposals so all of us will know what we are voting for. What I am against is for this to be done 18mths before the next election,18mts is a very long time in politics,and what you might be proposing to-day would be impossible to implement. eg.the p.n.proposal on income tax.
b. Far from being in favour of increasing the stipends,I have always suggested that a serious study to be made,with a view of adopting the English sysetm of loans.
We simply can't afford the present system apart from the fact that I do not consider it as fair.
c. You ask for the reason for the "string of victories" by the P.n.as sherlock Holmes would have said, "Easy dear Watson" Because they where the better party and the majority of the voters trusted them.
Please bare in mind that I am writing as one who, as you said "is political illeterate" but sad will be the day when only geniuses and Einstiens(ALLOW ME) like you are allowed to express their humble opinions.
You're confusing 'policy proposals' with 'electoral programme'.
If proposals cannot survive close scrutiny, then they've no place in an electoral programme.
Dawn ma jisthux. Alfred Sant, b'Joseph Muscat forcina fin-1996 lili bghatli karta qabel l-elezzjoni li l-istipendju garantit imbaghad bghatni niddejjen.
No I'm not.POlicy proposals are what electoral programmes are built on.
Silvio, I don't want this exchange to drag on and on but you should realise that the opposite of illiterate is literate not genius.
@ Antoine Vella.
If only Gaddafi had done like you and given up,when he knew he was losing. So many lives would have been spared.
Anyway,thanks,it was nice and at least I learned a new word,thanks.
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