21 October 2011

Krista's back for more

Krista, right: JPO's angel
Readers of this blog might remember Krista Caruana's last appearance here. She's back. Here's another cute question she just sent me. 

My answers are in English.

Sur Bondi,

Xtaqt nistaqsik din id-domanda: With pleasure, Krista.

Ser taccetta l-isfida li ghamillek id-deputat Nazzjonalista Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando nhar it-Tnejn li ghadda biex taffaccjah fil-programm Xarabank, jekk kemm -il darba s-Sur Peppi Azzopardi jtella dan il-programm? Krista, I'm just a humble journalist. Who am I to debate matters of state with an honourable Member of Parliament?

Napprezza  jekk tibghatli t-twegiba tieghek, fl-iqsar zmien possibli ghalik. Always at your service.

Inselli ghalik,

Krista Caruana B.A (Hons.) Sociology
Deputat Editur- KullHadd
Kumpless ONE, Zona Industrijali, Marsa MRS 3000


Imbocca said...

Well, humble might be stretching it, just a tad ...

MC2 said...

Lou, you're a star.

Clayton Luke Mula said...

Krista as a journalist you must take care of your work not try to kill another of your colleagues with question which are not in his matters.

JPO wasn't suppose to be on the programme last Monday because he's not a journalist but a Parliament Member.

And how the programme was being chaired by JPO and not Joe Grima? Why Grima has not interfered to stop the discussion, when the discussion of suppose PBS has become a hatred discussion against Lou Bondi?

That what you must see Krista not the challenge from JPO u to Lou Bondi.

JoeM said...

Do your answers mean that you're refusing the confrontation?

Your refusal is equivalent to AST's SMSed reply to your invitation to take part in Bondi+ yesterday.

The method is different, but the result the same.

A chicken is a chicken is a chicken.

BondiBlog said...

@ Joe M - don't be ridiculous.

Bunny Rabbit said...

F'hix wasalna f'dan il=pajjiz! Lou Bondi hacking his own email!
Tsk Tsk

Tuni panadol ghax stordewni said...

Hawwadni ha nifhmek, mela din tistaqsi jekk intix sejjer fuq programm ta' Peppi, u Jason Micallef, li suppost imexxi l-istazzjon taghha jghid fuq l-orrizont, li lil Peppi jrid jnehhieh.

Dawn xi jkunu?

R said...

Enlighten me someone - what are they supposed to debate on national television?

The state of the economy? The number of jobs created by the PN Govt? Our state of the art Health system? The Euro? Frankly, I honestly don't give a damn what Lou Bondi's opinions on the above are - he's not standing for election!

Clayton Luke Mula said...

Għażiża Krista,

Il-kumment ta' qabel ma ktibtux biex nipprova nħammġek jew xi ħaġa, jien ktibt biss l-opinjoni tiegħi u xejn iktar.

Naf kemm inti ġurnalista brava f'xogħolhok pero llum kienet l-ewwel darba li tkellimt fuq xi ħaġa li ktibt inti u nerġa ngħidlek fl-ebda ħin ma ridtx inwaqqgħek għar-redikolu jew xi ħaġa.


BondiBlog said...

@ R - Spot on. My reasoning exactly.