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Franco Debono: looking up? |
Something odd has been brewing over the last 48 hours regarding the crucial parliamentary vote tomorrow on public transport.
Franco Debono has gone on a number of current affairs TV programmes.
He was on Malta Today's Saviour Balzan's programme on Favourite Channel.
And on Saturday, after the crucial parliamentary vote on the stability of this government, he will be going on TVM's programme Dissett.
Yet, until the time of writing, Franco Debono has not accepted my invitation to come on Bondi+ tonight, going on air live right after the PN's executive committee meeting. This meeting will take a crucial vote on a motion moved by the party's secretary general recommending that all the PN MPs vote in favour of government.
Regular readers of this blog do not need me to join the dots for them.
u le ta. Dik kumbinazzjoni.
And pigs will fly whilst elephants will roost on trees.
the word "chicken" comes to mind
Does the guy know what he really wants? I would have thought exposure on your programme would have been right up his alley!
Wouldn't it be better if Debono learnt what party loyalty means before going on tv?
Bhal labour qed jaghmel lol! qed jibbojkotjak Lou
Franco is going the way of Mintoff with Sant. He seems intent on bringing down the Government. I just cannot understand what has possessed him.
Lawrence Gonzi has done an amazing job on the economy. We have job creation unlike everyone else; we have no real unemploymnet; we have no more Drydocks; we have new schools opening; we have a state of the art hospital; we have great propsects with Libya thanks to the masterful handling of the situation; we are rid of the buses.
In spite of all the rhetoric from the Pl and its media this country is in excellent shape. If you ask any anti Govt supporter where the disaster is they jsut keep repeating the mantra "we need change". Change to what?
And herein lies the real issue. Change is fine .... except when it comes to buses of course - because deep down we all resist change. We changed the buses to something better. No one doubts that the reform was necessary - but its implementation was botched up - it was amateur.
Now take change of Govt - just a tad more complex and pervasive than changing buses and bus routes. We couldn't handle revamping of bus routes. how on earth are we going to handle a new Government that is devoid of experience - even managmeent experience let alone managing our largest corporation; devid of policies; devoid of anything other than a great PR machine!
The tragedy here is that we do not have an alternative - if we cannot handle changing bus routes we are goign to have a hard time changing Govt - it didn't work lat time and it won't work this time around - because amateur doesn't even begin to describe the old cronies that will make up the New Labour Cabinet!
If he doesn't, we'll form our own conclusions and vote accordingly.
He wasn't entrusted with his seat to bring a government to a halt.
U sewwa jaghmel ma jigiex fuq Bondi+ Int l-unika agenda tieghak li tiddefendi lil siehbek GonziPn. Ghadda iz-zmien li tidhak bin-nies; illum kulhadd jaf x'int sur bondi.
@ Anonymous who said "U sewwa jaghmel ma jigiex fuq Bondi+ Int l-unika agenda tieghak li tiddefendi lil siehbek GonziPn. Ghadda iz-zmien li tidhak bin-nies; illum kulhadd jaf x'int sur bondi."
Hadd ma jista' jghid li Lou Bondi qatt ma wera x'kien. Jien niftakar meta kellu x'jaqsam mar-Radio101 b'xi mod. Kont is-6th form dak iz-zmien u d-dettalji mhux cari. Li rrid nghid hu li ghal min jghix fuq din il-pjaneta Lou Bondi huwa assocjat mal-PN. Trid tkun tuba tal-prim'ordni biex timmagina li Bondi qatt seta' kien xi haga ohra.
Franco Debono, min-naha l-ohra, ma nafx fejn qed jipprova jasal. Forsi ghadu ma ndunax li d-dinja tixref 'il barra minn rahlu? Jew forsi minn ghalih li rahlu huwa l-benniena tac-civilizzazjoni moderna? jew xi metropoli li tmexxi l-ekonomija dinjija?
Forsi ghalhekk ma jmurx fuq Bondi+. Ghax jibza' li jispicca jifhemid-dinja kif tahdem 'il barra mill-kazini tal-banda u tal-PN fir-rahal.
Whatever happens in the coming weeks and months, I think Austin Gatt should reverse his decision not to contest the next elections.
Most people, except for the likes of Franco Debono, can put things in their proper perspective. Whereas there were shortcomings in the transport reform, there were innumerable positive aspects, the listing of which is beyond the scope of this post.
More crucially, Minister Gatt has also achieved a lot in the various other sectors for which he is responsible. Calling for Gatt’s resignation is simply illogical, more so that the decision on the public transport routes was taken by Cabinet – i.e. there is collective responsibility.
Because most people can put things in their proper perspective, Austin Gatt would get thousands of votes and almost certainly, get the second most votes amongst the PN candidates, following the PN leader.
It will then be the electorate who will give the appropriate reply to Franco Debono.
@Reuben Scicluna, Messi meta rebah il ballun ta deheb ma qallux li l'Barcelona rebhet il ballun ta deheb, ma jfissirx li ax Franco Debono johrog mal partit nazzjonalista ghandu jaqbel f'kul decizjoni li jiehdu. in nies ivottaw lilu, inkela alura flok insibu karta bl'ismijiet tal ministri lil min irridu nivottaw misna nibdew insibu karta tal vot li fuqa kul ma jkolna miktub PL jew PN? u nehu l`ismijiet kollha tal kandidati. Rigward ax Lou Bondi huwa assocjat mal PN ma narahix li ghandha tkun problema al hadd ax kulhadd ghandu l'opinjoni tieghu, jien ma naqbilx politikament ma Lou imma niehu hafna ost narah Bondi+ ax ghalijja personalment huwa wiehed mil aqwa gurnalisti li qatt kelna f'Malta.
Regarding the routes, which seem have to become a focal point, may I remind everyone that these were designed in conjunction with local councils and civil society, whose feedback was requested more than once. The response, to say the least, was lacklustre, and don't give me these were a fait accompli.
Where was Franco, Joseph, et al during this process?
@ Lawrence Scicluna
Min jifhimha bhalek ghandu idea zbaljata ta' "demokrazija"
Kif jghidu anki l-imsaren fiz-zaqq igergru. Ma jfissirx li fl-ahhar mill-ahhar l-imsaren ghandhom jipprotestaw kontra l-bqija tal-gisem ghal xi raguni jew ohra.
L-istess Franco Debono. Halli ma jaqbilx mal-PN f'kollox, imma ghal quddiem in-nies irid jidher haga wahda mal-partit. (qed insemmi lil Debono ghax id-diskussjoni hi dwaru. Hawn hafna li jahsbu li huma ikbar mill-partit.)
U la semmejt football, taf x'garalu Beckham meta Ferguson dehrlu li haseb li sar ikbar mill-United. Taf fejn hu Beckham illum u taf fejn hu l-United illum.
@ Anonymous who said:
Regarding the routes, which seem have to become a focal point, may I remind everyone that these were designed in conjunction with local councils and civil society, whose feedback was requested more than once. The response, to say the least, was lacklustre, and don't give me these were a fait accompli.
Where was Franco, Joseph, et al during this process?
He was at in line waiting for his turn to ride the "glory" train. This is why his antics are ridiculous. Had he really known what he was talking about he would have pointed the flaws in the bus routes before they were "put in service"
Franco always wanted to be a minister, and that's what is all about. he thinks he knows everything more than others.
I will tell Franco We voted for him in the last election, but if he brings the government down we will never vote for him.
All my neighbours are saying the same.Franco if you don't like it just be humble and please resign.
We suffered enough in the eighties, and we fought to have this freedom, don't be the one that you take it from us. Do you think that under the Labour you are going to be better?
Austin GATT is one of the best minister that the pn ever had. I 've know Austin since 1984 he was the secretary of the pn and he really worked hard within the party. Don't be a bully because we will never forgive you..Thanks.
Maybe he wants to go on proper shows without an agenda!
Issa jmiss li Franco joqmos meta jigi l-vot dwar il-gustizzja fil-parlament. Stennew u taraw. Ga tefa' botta llum fuq Xarabank meta suppost kienu qed jitkellmu fuq it-transport pubbliku.
Nahseb Gonzi ghandu jiqaflu anke jekk ikun hemm bzonn ikeccieh mill-partit u tissejjah elezzjoni bikrija.
meta il partit jidegidi.xi haga kullhad ghandu joqot ghaiija.mien majogbux jitlaq.gorg.m
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