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Krista (right) auditioning for the next Bond film |
Krista Caruana, deputy editor of the PL newspaper KullHadd, sent me the following questions about Bondiplus and the new TVM season. They are so cute I thought I'd answer her here instead. Enjoy.
Sur Bondi,
Xtaqt nistaqsik id-domandi sussegwenti:
1. Tikkonferma li se jibda jkollok zewg programmi fil-gimgha fuq PBS? I am happy to confirm that there will be two editions of Bondiplus a week this season. And there might be another surprise in this regard.
Sur Bondi,
Xtaqt nistaqsik id-domandi sussegwenti:
1. Tikkonferma li se jibda jkollok zewg programmi fil-gimgha fuq PBS? I am happy to confirm that there will be two editions of Bondiplus a week this season. And there might be another surprise in this regard.
2. Kemm se jizdied il-hlas tieghek u kemm se jkun l-ammont totali? You work with One TV, a station which competes with TVM for adverts, audiences and influence. Does Pepsi send questions to Coke about their business plans and profit and loss accounts? Does Nike answer questions from Reebok about their new line of sneakers. You quaintly write "BA (Hons)" behind your name. Was your degree in business studies by any chance?
3. Il-proposta ghal zieda fil-programmi giet minghand PBS jew minghandek? See the answer to question (2).
Napprezza jekk tkun tista' twegibni fl-iqsar hin possibli ghalik. I am so, so sorry not to have sent you my answers in time to be published in your paper.
Inselli ghalik,
Krista Caruana B.A (Hons.)
Deputat Editur- KullHadd
Kumpless ONE, Zona Industrijali, Marsa MRS 3000
I would have thought that sooner or later you'd send us a PR... http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110828/opinion/Faze-value.382170
The photo says it all...
Dik tan-nofs Charmaine Craus, gurnalista mal-gurnal indipendenti ta' kuljum, l-Orizzont.
Bil-kulur ahmar dominanti fil-hwejjeg nahseb li kienu sejrin xi Coffee Morning tal-Labour !
Din bis-serjeta??
To tell you the truth Krista's B.A(Hons) happens to be like yours Mr. Bondi that is in Sociology.
Unbelievable !!!
Hopefully your answers will be understood, as I very much doubt it.
Careful Lou, you've just got yourself an elve.
Hi Krista, one pair of blue suede shoes please.
I can't help giggling at the unwarranted pomposity: "id-domandi sussegwenti". Wasn't "id-domandi li ÄĦejjin" or "dawn id-domani" enough? Even the "Kumpless ONE" sounds so ridiculous. But, hey, important journalists (and deputy editors, man!) use important words.
Inlabt biex taghmel 2 programmi....biex il PbS jimlew l iskeda wara li nies prominenti telqu minn max xandir ta' l-istat. Heqq xi hadd irid jimla l-air time mhux hekk? U importanti li jkun xi hadd li jipprezenta programmi bhala newtrali.... imma fil verita' jaghti palata lill gvern tieghu.... meta l pressjoni ta' l-elezzjoni kull ma tmur qed tizdied. L-iktar haga importanti hi li f'dawn il bloggs inkissru n nies.. u nattakkawhom biex naslu ghall iskop li niskreditawhom mal poplu.!!
@ Anonymous "L-iktar haga importanti hi li f'dawn il bloggs inkissru n nies.. u nattakkawhom biex naslu ghall iskop li niskreditawhom mal poplu.!"
I see. So I am trying to discredit Krista not the other way round. Do you have a "BA Hons" too? Let me guess: you specialised in logic right?
@Anonymous thought that she was the one sticking her nose in other peoples' stuff not him! Especially asking personal questions regarding income...he just made it public, just the right way to answer shallow people like her...
Ma tistax tikkumpara li stazzjon One mal PBS meta l-PBS huwa ffinanzjat mit-taxxi taghna Sur Bondi u hag ohra, dawn il-blogs kollha kontra ex-kollegi tieghek, possibbli ma tghaddilekx minn rasek li hemm xi haga intrinsikament hazina fil-PN biex hemm dawn il-moves kollha?
I'm a big fan of Bondi+ and am really pleased it will be on twice a week.
However, I must think it's really difficult for the presenter who is so politically involved and yet conveys a non-baised image?
I think that Bondi+ on Net TV is much more credible!
I suggest you make a little spreadsheet showing by date and no. of hours the guests appearances on your program.
The opposition could be in for a nasty surprise.
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