11 October 2011

Did you tell this to Manwel?

Manwel Dimech
The Partit Laburista celebrated the centenary of Manwel Dimech's setting up of the Xirka tal-Imdawlin by his statue.

The PL press release says: "Minħabba t-twaqqif tax-Xirka, Dimech kien ġie skomunikat għal sena sħiħa, imbagħad deportat minn Malta. Huwa miet eżiljat fl-Eġittu." 

Let me see if I get this straight. 

The PL celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of secular thought and emancipation in Malta. At the same time it runs a front page story on its newspaper inviting public opprobrium against me for being an atheist. 

Manwel Dimech must be turning in his grave and muttering 'moderat u progressiv, moderat u progressiv, moderat u progressiv ...'


Marco Antonio said...

Was he convicted for murder?

silvio said...

It always baffled me to understand the true meaning of atheist,until I came across this:
My father was an atheist,
I was born an atheist,
I lived all my life as an atheist,
And with GOD's help I will die an atheist.

Anonymous said...

Manuel Dimech was against foreign rule. He wrote about this weekly in his newspaper. From very early on he believed in the Maltese people that they can be independent.
Dom Mintoff believed totally the opposite as he campaigned vigorously for integration so the Malta would by like Wales, Scotland and N.Ireland.

In other words Manuel Dimech championed the same cause like the PN- fight for independence.

So what the heck is the MLP worshiping Dimech for? What a bunch of confused people.

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ Silvio:

And "thank god I'm an atheist" ;)

silvio said...

@kennith Cassar.

Well, I guess, that's your problem not mine .
I still can't see how an atheist can thank God.
How can one thank somebody who does not exist?

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ Silvio:

1. It's not a problem. Neither mine nor yours.

2. I'm sorry you did not get the humour in my "thank god I'm an atheist".

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ Silvio:

As for thanking someone who doesn't exist, well, religious believers do it often enough. So it can happen. ;)

Lighten up, and have a sense of humour.

Mark Montebello said...

Lou, you are right. Consistency, though much desired and necessary, is direly wanting, and perhaps not only within the PL camp. Yes, for sure, Dimech himself would have been very worried with such behaviour.

On another note, it might not be untoward that the PL celebrates Manuel Dimech. What I consider to be really a pity is that the PN, the Church and all unions do not do likewise. Identifying Dimech solely with the PL is, I submit, a grave shortcoming. Dimech is much larger and worthier that than.

OWL said...

@ Mr Montebello';
It may be good to remember also once in a while that Our Lord Jesus Christ is a great deal bigger then the PL , PN, unions, the Church , Manwel Dimech and all the revolutionary 'illuminati' of the whole world put together.

silvio said...

Sorry you are right ,I though you were being sarcastic,I apologise,but anyway it was good while it lasted.
Hope somebody else got our message.

Serafin said...

Dimech was convicted criminal and relapser found guilty of forgery and murder.

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ Silvio:

I'm not sure whether you understood. I'm an atheist, but this does not mean I cannot joke about my own atheism.

Bunny Rabbit said...

"Serafin said...
Dimech was convicted criminal and relapser found guilty of forgery and murder."

Finally , some one said it as it really was, without any politically-correct revision of past local historical events.

JV said...

@Mark Montebello,

A certain Dom Mintoff appropriated Manuel Dimech. He did so to get rid of Boffa's legacy's and memory.

Just look at how he placed Boffa in a corner and on a pedestal. That bronze was meant to be set at street level, without a base, part of the everyday, inducing one to experience his having been larger than life.

Short and stocky (Reader's Digest description) Dom wouldn't have it.

Why he would prefer Dimech's misgivings with civilised moderate politics, an instinct for blackmail and brinkmanship as well as a personal tolerance for criminal behaviour is anyone's guess.

I think his narcissistic craving for being Christ the Saviour required an equally grotesque John the Baptist.

Serafin said...

He only escaped the death penalty because at the time he commited murder he was not yet 18.
A few months and we would have been spared this farce which some, for their obscure nefarious reasons enjoy perpetrating.
How pathetic a catholic dominican monk promoting an excomunicated, heretic.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you choose not to get it straight; the PL merely questioned and made the statment of fact as to how come an atheist can be such a fervent follower of the very religiosly catholic PN and that you are simultaneously an ardent PN supporter and a follower of this same very Catholic driven PN whilst also being an atheist

JV said...


His cunning plan for independence was to commandeer one of His Majesty's ships out to sea, scuttling it if the crown didn't yield to his requests.

This when the British navy comprised over five thousand warships entrusted with the defence of an empire spanning five continents.

A style fancied by others, and carrying the same results.

He was exiled simply to ensure the restoration of the political process pursuing emancipation of this nation. One of the very few times consensus was reached.

Monty Python's 'What did the Romans do for us?' springs to mind.

JV said...


Could it be because they both share the notion of respect for others?

Or should an atheist be by default anti-catholic?
And a catholic be obliged to proselytise?
Are abstract values something to share or an exclusive property of the proponent?

This is the problem with Labour, slotting people and opinions into a system using maximum terms only. The fact we're discussing this is just evidence of how much they need to evolve (they use the word change)

The reality is they're pretty close to having a go at the church, again.
Rewriting history may have muddled their minds, blaming the nationalists for the interdett could have prompted the inverse.

Catholic driven PN? Such horror...