25 October 2011

Julia reached for the red bathing suit again

Last night I heard Julia Farrugia, the Illum editor, expressing reservations about the publication of the Joseph Muscat & Sabrina Agius emails. Their content, she said, did not seem to her to be "in the public interest". 

At first I thought that I misheard. So I called a couple of people to verify. I had heard right. 

Jaw dropping. This woman and her newspaper stable think that showing a video of the PBS chairman in a state of stupor - probably a victim of a set up - is in the public interest. But the Opposition leader devising political plots in the media is not.

I suppose we shouldn't expect any better from Julia Farrugia. If she was willing to take her clothes off, put on a bathing suit and jump in the icy December waters to raise money for Joseph Muscat's TV station, she will do anything to help his electoral campaign.


Botom said...

it's a pity that Julia never comments on the murder of Raymond Caruna. That is definitely one of national interest.

Mark Anthony Portelli said...

and who is her daddy please?

Peter Pan said...

my same feelings exactly when I heard her pontificate yesterday.

So showing how Joe Mizzi was framed was ok for her excuse of a newspaper, but an email exchange of how a journalist with an independent radio station was sucking up to the PM-in-waiting is not of public interest.

Julia... get a grip!

it twila said...

jaqq ! dil mara il vera tqallini - kollha quddsija imbaghad tipprova taghmel il hsara lil ragel bhal Joe Mizzi - il vera wicca bla zejt !!!

Colosso said...

I could beleive my ears too. There is a saying in Maltese which fits perfectly. L-ispizjar milli jkollu jtik ... The expression contemplates a nobler profession too !!

Bullybeef and Chips said...

Qdusijja kemm trid, u meta ma issibx xi tghid , tibda bir-retorika anti-klerikali klassika ta' zmien l era tad-deheb ta' Mintoff. Aktar ma jitbiddlu aktar jibqu l istess.

Colin Zammit said...

this woman makes me sick.....

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that MLP treats Julia Farrugia as an asset. These people should be banned from their public positions.

Alfred Sant, wisely, worked hard to dissociate himself from these low class people but now Joseph Muscat is undoing all his work.

Muscat must made some bad deals with them to be where he is.

Bullybeef and Chips said...

Joe Grima was having yet another go at you late last night on Fader Colin's radio phone-in., in between stirring up s*it. related to the politico-religious dispute of the 60's and the persecution of Labourites like poor Sabrina ex-RTK. M.T-V's anti-American, anti-Nato radio whine came next, over flowing with gratuitous remarks about hacking, repressive regimes, etc.

Typical Labourite bedtime stories for its faithful sleepyheads, imsomma.