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Joseph Muscat: free and unfree speech |
"Ghax tfajla qalet dak li tahseb saret kampanja sistematika ta’
assassinju tal-karattru. Ghalija ... anke jekk tigi quddiemi u tghidli li ma taqbel f’xejn mieghi,
zgur li qatt mhu se nsikkitu jew insikkitha jew nitlob lil xi hadd
jiehu d-dettalji. Dan huwa theddid tal-libertà tal-espressjoni li
suppost ilna li hallejna warajna ... Ahna ma rridux inpoggu sarima ma’ halq in-nies bhal mhu qed jaghmel
haddiehor, imma rridu naghtu l-opportunita li nimxu ‘il quddiem u
kulhadd jitkellem kif ihoss."
That was last Sunday. Three days later, Joseph Muscat puts public pressure on the Broadcasting Authority to take Bondiplus off the air. Why? He had told me three times on Bondiplus that he will convince me to vote for his party. Now, because I gently stated that so far he hasn't succeeded, the PL leader wants me fired.
Let's take a look at the bigger picture, shall we? Joseph Muscat is egging Nicola Abela Garrett on to call him a fucking wanker if he climbs the steps of Castille. He's also inviting her to write f'oxx ommok on his visitor's book and to publicly maul all his policies once she's inside his prime ministerial office. Open government taken to absurd extremes.
That is what he's promising Nicola'. What he's doing to me today is quite a different matter. Because I gently whispered that he still has to persuade me to vote for him, he wants me fired from my job at PBS.
Who is the real Joseph Muscat? The one who benignly encourages a 20-year old to call him a fucking wanker, all in the interest of free speech? Or the one who wants me muzzled because I did not say what he wanted me to?
Don't be naive Lou. I'm sure you know very well who the real Joseph Muscat is ...
@ K: Lou is not being naive. He's being sarcastic.
Both ... depending on who's the target of the criticism and whether he's of the same opinion.
Bhal ma bandiera ttir skond id-direzzjoni tar-rih ...
@Kenneth Cassar: And what do you think I was being ;-)
Is the Malta Medical council aware of what Mr.JPO, dental surgeon and chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology is up to on his face book ?
Ask those who've set his expiry date.
@ K: I wasn't sure, but now I know ;)
MLP can change the flag, name or its leader but their dogma is still the same- against free speech, against the intellectuals, against the liberalization of the economy, against the decentralization of the economy, against businesses and against the EU.
I have no doubt that if Joseph Muscat gets into office he will engineer a wicked plan to pull Malta out of the EU with the excuse that we are not benefiting from the EU.
I hope the young people will open their eyes before they ruin their future.
But Mr. Bondi, if there really is a market for your political commentary, surely you'll be offered a job with a privately-owned and operated station, right? Really, the very existence of a state-owned broadcasting company invites this kind of controversy. Time to do away with (or privatize) PBS all together.
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