14 October 2011

Toni Abela starts to backtrack. But I won't let him.

In today's l-orizzont, Toni Abela, the PL deputy leader, is quoted as saying that he was always "favur id-dritt fundamentali tal-qima u kuxjenza u alla hares ikun hawn min b'xi mod jiddiskrimina jew jiccensura lil xi persuna minhabba t-twemmin taghhom."

That is not true.

On Wednesday, after our court case Toni Abela went rushing off to Super One Radio. Frothing at the mouth, he told his audience that my declaration about the non-existence of god made everyone "igib ghajnejh wara widnejh".

Wearing the dark brown robes of Savonarola he then made a call to arms to his listeners. How can Lou Bondi be allowed to say that he's an atheist "u qisu ma gara xejn"?

Spoken like a true progressive, moderate, liberal. 


Wayne Hewitt said...


Anonymous said...

I cannot understand how one can logically claim to be an atheist. But at least it's not as ridiculous as being agnostic.

(Kenneth Cassars and Wayne Hewitts of this world save your bullets. This is not about the validity of belief.)

No one should be launching crusades and calling for ostracization against such "sensational" statements or the persons making them. (Would Lippu Caqcaq's confession that he's an atheist have caused such a splash?)

I see many parallels between this case and Daphne Caruana Galizia's relentless bollocking of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando. I hope that Bondi doesn't engage in an even more futile battle. Jeffey Pullicino Orlando's "camp of origin" as it were sits up and takes notice. Labour won't.

Such actions create the exact opposite effect of their intended purpose.

I am not particularly keen on many of Mr Bondi's points of view, but I must take his side on this one.

Kenneth Cassar said...

I expect nothing less than a public apology from the PL.

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ karmenoo:

There are no parallels to be drawn between Toni Abela's treatment of Lou Bondi, and Daphne Caruana Galizia's treatment of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

Jeffrey is a member of parliament, accountable to his political party, his constituents and his electorate. Behaviour that is not fitting of an MP should be exposed, and we should be thankful to whoever does that.

As far as I know, Daphne never ridiculed or otherwise attacked Jeffrey on his religious beliefs.

I'm a declared atheist, but I have no problem with having a religious MP, as long as he/she respects my right to freedom from religion.

That is why I do have a big problem with people like Toni Abela.

As for understanding how one can logically claim to be an atheist, here is a reading list: http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/2338165-kenneth-cassar?shelf=atheism-agnosticism

Antoine Vella said...

Kenneth, kermenoo is comparing what he calls Daphne's "bullying" of Pullicino Orlando and Lou Bondi's "bullying" of Toni Abela.

Kermenoo is always on the look-out for bullies who are being bullied (so he claims) and who therefore need his protection. He's just discovered Pullicino Orlando and Toni Abela so we may expect more patronising exhortations from him.

Kenneth Cassar said...

From the piece you quote, Toni Abela isn't even backtracking. He's only pretending that his comments on radio didn't even happen.

OWL said...

If there was no God , would atheists exist?

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ Antoine Vella:

So, according to karmenoo, Lou Bondi is the bully on this issue? Amazing.

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ OWL:

If there were no unicorns, would people who disbelieve in unicorns exist?

C said...

Lou, the question is: Why did you kiss the crucifix?

Tivvintahom :-)

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ C:

The question is, why not? ;)

Antoine Vella said...

Kenneth, well, you can read Kermenoo's comment.

He has already insisted, on Daphne's blog, that she is bullying Pullicino Orlando and now he's telling Lou not not do the same to Toni Abela.

And, predictably, all those who share Daphne's (and, presumably Lou's) point of view are "readers-cum-sycophants".

Malcolm said...

I'm in agreement with you that the way Toni Abela approached the issue in court, and the way you were being demonised by Kullhadd and l-Orizzont and by Toni on Super One Radio is shameful, I'm still perplexed on the reason why you did take an oath on the cross given that you're an atheist. I'm not a public person, but people close to me know what my religious beliefs are and thus I would never take an oath in court by kissing the cross and all that stuff. So I'm honestly perplexed. Why on earth didn't you refuse to take an oath as a believer would?

Anonymous said...

@ Antoine Vella & Kenneth Cassar

You two must be doing this on purpose; if not you make two short planks look positively bright.

Both Toni Abela and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando have their hands tied. All things being equal, theirs is a lose-lose situation. They are sitting ducks for Bondi and Caruana Galizia incomparably superior fire power. However as Ms Caruana Galizia pointed out to me on her blog, I failed to consider the "magnitude" of the violence factor.
That changes the picture a bit. People with half a brain can easily be provoked to violence with Bondi's and Caruana Galizia's barbed comments. In which case they're being "terrorised" as an indirect consequence of their "battles" with Abela and Pullicino Orlando. They're not being terrorised by Abela or Pullicino Orlando. Nor can we say that Abela or Pullicino are inciting their lackeys to violence.

In real terms and tangible effects, both Bondi and Caruana Galizia are immune to anything Abela and Pull.Orlando can do. The reverse is not true. Bondi and Caruana Galizia can inflict huge damage on their targets. they don't have any line to toe and all's fair in love and war. they can make them look like pillocks at the drop of a hat. It's not a fair fight.

JV said...

Insew jaghmlu sekxin ghal dawk li ma' jemmnux f'Alla.

Toni, nista' naghmel bhal Lou?

Bambin tini l-pacenzja.....

Anonymous said...

Further to the above, Pullicino Orlando is in a worse position than Abela is.
Abela has got nothing with which to "treathen". Pullicino Orlando, on the other hand can only tug so much on the leash. If he's got any of his wits about him he won't dare topple the very government that has so far provided the stage for his theatrics. He can only bark and bare his teeth.

I'm sure that neither Bondi nor Caruana Galizia need me pointing out the obvious to them. This is why in my opinion the "contest" is not a fair match.

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ karmenoo:

"Both Toni Abela and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando have their hands tied. All things being equal, theirs is a lose-lose situation. They are sitting ducks for Bondi and Caruana Galizia incomparably superior fire power".

They're both accountable to the people who pay them, and the only thing that ties their hands is the expectation that they conduct themselves as decent MPs. If they can't take other people's "superior fire-power", then they have no business being in parliament at all. The last thing we need is to have incompetents legislating for us in parliament.

"People with half a brain can easily be provoked to violence with Bondi's and Caruana Galizia's barbed comments".

People with half a brain wouldn't even understand the commentary. I think you're mistaking their blogs for the anonymous and cowardly "Taste Your Own Medicine".

"Bondi and Galizia are immune to anything Abela and Pull.Orlando can do. The reverse is not true...".

I don't know why I'm even bothering. So I'll stop here. Read Daphne's replies here: http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2011/10/13/and-now-jeffrey-is-showing-us-his-breakfast/

silvio said...

This blog is looking like a campaign
in recruting new blood,in the atheist movment.
Lou you should put a stop to it,while I do not condemm anybody,and we all have the right to our convictions,I fell some people are offended and not approving of it. This might, eventually keep people away from this blog,which would be a pity.

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ karmenoo:

Let me get this straight. Are you saying that politicians should not be criticized by journalists that are wittier and more intelligent than them?

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ silvio:

I'm sure Lou won't do to anyone what Toni Abela tried to do to him (shut him up).

If Lou didn't want posts about atheism, he wouldn't have written blog posts about atheism.

Anonymous said...

I thought that I was an atheist, till I discovered that I was God !


Kenneth Cassar said...

@ Anonymous (Edgar?):

That wasn't even funny. Try harder ;)

silvio said...

@Kennith Cassar
I don't expect Lou "to shut you up"
what I expect is to be able to follow topics of interest on his blog.
Now just give me one reason why I,and other readers,should find it of any fact, that you happen to be an atheist?
On the other hand ,if you had told us that you have just landed from Mars,now that would be interesting,but being an atheist,come on give us a break.
Who cares.

OWL said...

''Kenneth Cassar said...
@ OWL:

If there were no unicorns, would people who disbelieve in unicorns exist?''

If you are interested in those cute horned beasts ,click here and enjoy;



Kenneth Cassar said...

@ Silvio:

It is Lou Bondi's blog. He chooses the topic of his blog articles. My comments all relate to the articles he posts, or are replies to those others make.

It's a free country. Let's keep it that way.

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ OWL:

Thanks, but I prefer fairies. My wife actually has a collection of them ;)

OWL said...

Better fairies then teddy beras I guess, Mr KC.


JV said...

Any statement from the incredulous ones yet?

Given that this blog seems to have become The Venue of the committee of errors and its budding defenders of unfaith?

Wayne, you may be right, the secular cause, as someone rightly pointed out, has its own clause.

silvio said...

@Kennith Cassar.
OH My,you are not only an atheist,but you even have a wife who collects fairies.
How lucky can some people be.

Kenneth Cassar said...

@ OWL and silvio:

I'd rather have a collection of beautiful and collectible fairy figurines than a figurine of a tortured man hanging on my wall. Then again, tastes differ. Some people love the Saw movies. I find them disturbing.