31 October 2011

MT goes off its rocker. Again.

Over the weekend Malta Today sent questions to the Office of the Prime Minister regarding allegations that a Nationalist MP is supposed to be connected to a 'fund' used to bribe footballers.

The PM, while denying any knowledge of the matter, immediately asked the Police Commissioner to investigate. When MT contacted the MP in question he also "denied any knowledge of the matter and categorically denied his involvement in any match-rigging allegations".

So far so good. But apparently not so good for Saviour Balzan & Roger de Giorgio's MaltaToday. They took umbrage at the fact the prime minister involved the police.

"Despite the fact that MaltaToday asked that the questions, sent by email, be not (sic) divulged to third parties, the prime minister informed this newspaper that the email had been sent to the Police for immediate investigation."

What a unique combination of idiocy and arrogance. The PM is informed of a very serious allegation of corruption committed by one of his own in parliament and MT is offended that the man who runs the country does the right thing and goes straight to the police. What else was Lawrence Gonzi supposed to do, discuss it with Saviour and Roger over coffee at the Ferries?

It is clear why MT did not want the prime minister to go to the police. Their interest is in cheap headlines, not hounding corruption. 

1 comment:

JV said...

Spot on.

A thinly veiled attempt at getting the prime minister snared in their little trap.

Imagine the hoo-ha if he didn't report these allegations to the police.