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Imam El Sadi: ok for Labour, I'm not |
"Semma l-kritika li qala’ l-Partit Laburista għall-attivita’ li organizza flimkien mal-Komunita’ Musulmana fi tmiem ir-Ramadan. Saħaq li, li tkun Nisrani jfisser li tkun komdu tgħix ma’ ħaddieħor anke jekk it-twemmin huwa differenti."
What criticism is he referring to? I might have missed it but I cannot recall anyone chiding the PL for meeting the local Muslim community. If anyone did, they should be openly and unequivocally condemned.
If the first sentence is perplexing, the second is jaw-dropping. Muscat gently points Christians towards multi-faith co-existence within days of his deputy leader Toni Abela screaming on his radio station that atheists shouldn't be allowed to pronounce themselves "u qisu ma gara xejn".
The conclusion is clear. All this Labour talk of multi-faith group hugs and smooching up to Muslims is meant for show. The warm fuzzies of PL tolerance evaporate instantly the moment that a particular faith (or lack of it) is expressed by someone who is not in their good books. Me.
Imam Mohammed El Sadi is feted by Joseph Muscat at his party headquarters after saying on Bondiplus that gay marriage is equivalent to bestiality. But then his deputy leader, Toni makes a call to action against an atheist like me.
For Labour, banishing gays to the animal kingdom is ok but declaring one's atheism is not.
Pajjiz li jixraq lil uliedna? I wonder.
Dr Muscat said this during my radio show on radju malta which can be accessed on http://andrewazzopardi.wordpress.com/ghandi-x-nghid-radio-show/
Formula :
Befriend everyone & get 50% + 1 in 18 months.
Such a simple (P)lan to (L)earn.......
You may find very interesting a couple of the Imam's articles about tolerance to homosexuality as seen from the "Islamic point of view" .These articles were published in the old Maltastar a few years back. Maybe they can be traced in soem archive. What surprised me at the time was the willingness of Maltastar to publish such homophobic and intolerant sentiments and where were the gay rights groups or Cyrus Engerer at the time.
Dear Lou,
You are confusing the issue, hopefully not deliberately! It is fine that you declare yourself as atheist but do not take oaths by the Holy Cross in courts. This is a mockery of the judicial system.
Ix-xirka tal-imhawwdin.
Dear Mr Bondi, in Islam, Atheists are considered to be more "haram " then gays, adulterers,infidels pork pies or cherry brandy.
The past partnership between the Ghaddafi-sponsored Islamic centre and Mintoff's Labour party has now been renewed between Joseph Muscat's brand new labour (and its ONE media) and the Mintoffian-run Islamic centre.
Esau of the old testament did not think twice about selling his birthright for a plate of couscous. Joseph Muscat is doing likewise.... for a handful of Muslim votes.
Which explains the apparently ambivalent stand taken by some running the PL and its media.
The end justifies the means - Dr Joseph Muscat
Dear Mr Bondi, in Islam, Atheists are considered to be more "haram " then gays, adulterers,infidels pork pies or cherry brandy.
The past partnership between the Ghaddafi-sponsored Islamic centre and Mintoff's Labour party has now been renewed between Joseph Muscat's brand new labour (and its ONE media) and the Mintoffian-run Islamic centre.
Esau of the old testament did not think twice about selling his birthright for a plate of couscous. Joseph Muscat is doing likewise.... for a handful of Muslim votes.
Which explains the apparently ambivalent stand taken by some running the PL and its media.
The end justifies the means - Dr Joseph Muscat
If one's oath is to be credible nowadays, one should take it on one's hard disk or one's bank loan.
If one's oath is to be credible nowadays, one should take it on one's hard disk or one's bank loan.
@Chris Gauci,
By the looks of it, and your comment is no exception, the judicial system need not be mocked for its doing a fine job making a mockery of itself!
@Lou Bondi
You quote Muscat as saying
".....tkun komdu tghix ma haddiehor anke jekk it-twemmin huwa differenti"
When reading "twemmin" I am sure he was refering to "twemmin Reilgjuz" I am certain that atheism is in no way anything near to being a" twemmin religjuz",but completly the opposite.
So I'm afraid your argument does not hold water, what you are trying to do is just draw attention to your group which is nothing but a part of an internationl movment,that has existed for hundreds of years,without any ,showing impact, on
the huge majority of the inteligissima, and the real people who count.
The Lou Bondi incident is not a one off incident of religious intolerance by the Labour Party. I remember very well Anglu Farrugia's recent post-Divorce referendum speech in Parliament denigrating and ridiculing the Nationalist Party for 'considering' an 'atheist' candidate (presumably referring to me, but this is besides the point), as if he was talking of some outcast.
@ Chris Gauci:
So now Christians are offended if an atheist kisses a crucifix?
Just a few months ago, Christians were getting hot under the collar because someone suggested Crucifixes be removed from state schools.
@Mr Hewitt, by the sound of it ,NEW Labour has no qualms though , at welcoming with plenty of public pomp, an ardent and public promoter of Shariah (euphemistically referred to as "Allah's law" to purposely deceive the unsuspecting infidel dog like you or me). Either they do not know what they are courting or else they do not care so long as they get the votes.
It is both if you ask me.
Sur Hewitt,
Jekk inti iggib risq lill-PN daqs kemm gibt lill-AN mela Muscat diga jista jihu ic-cwievet ta' Kastilja f'idejh.
''Matt said...
Sur Hewitt,
Jekk inti iggib risq lill-PN daqs kemm gibt lill-AN mela Muscat diga jista jihu ic-cwievet ta' Kastilja f'idejh.''
Sur Matt, normalment il-bidillu ikollu ic-cwievet f idejh. Ta min tahseb li Muscat ha jkun il- bidillu , tas-sur El-Saadi forsi?
Wayne Hewitt, I don't care about your views on God but I do care about your views on immigrants, especially Africans.
I don't see how the PN can ever consider as a candidate someone whose views on immigration are diametrically opposite to those of the party.
Wiehed ta min isaqsi lil PL jekk f dik l'attivita' li saret ghal- kummunita Mussulmana, l invit kienx gie estiz lil kommunita Mussulmana tal-Ahmadis ukoll.Dawn tal-ahhar li jemmnu BISS fil-parti tal-Koran li thaddan il-paci. imhabba u toleranza GENWINA ,jidirli li huma "persone non grate" fic-Centru Islamiku li nbena bil-flus ta GADDHAFI.Ghal dawn, l ahhar profeta kien Ahmad mhux Mohammed.
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