24 October 2011

Setting the record straight. Finally.

Below is the right of reply that the Partit Laburista was constrained to air in its entirety on Inkontri this evening. 

L-isfregju kontra l-ligi tax-xandir, il-bilanc u l-imparzjalita f’din l-edizzjoni ta’ Inkontri kien rizultat ta’ fatt baziku. Bondi+ u jien gejna diskussi kwazi l-hin kollu, anki fl-intervisti irrekordjati, minghajr ma jien kont prezenti.
L-isfregju kiber hafna aktar minhabba fatt baziku iehor. Joe Grima irrifjuta l-appell biex jcempilli halli talinqas naghti l-veduti tieghi bit-telefon, appell li sarlu 13-il darba.

Il-gideb u l-skorrettezzi li inghadu dwari u Bondi+ huma dawn:

1. Gino Cauchi qal li Bondi+ instab hati erba’ darbiet ta’ zbilanc mill-Awtorita tax-Xandir. Mhux veru. F’20 sena li ilni nipprezenta fuq TVM, l-Awtorita sabet lil Bondi+ hati ta’ zbilanc darbtejn biss. F’20 sena. Iktar importanti minhekk anki f’dawn iz-zewg kazi, l-PBS ma’ qablitx mad-decizjoni tal-Awtorita u f’kaz minnhom tellghet lill-Awtorita l-Qorti.

2. Godfrey Grima qal li Bondi+ huwa “prodott … baxx hafna”. Waqt li ghandu dritt ghall-opinjoni tieghu, infakkar lil Grima li kull darba li saru l-Malta TV Awards Bondi+ dejjem gie ggudikat bhala l-aqwa programm ta’ grajjiet kurrenti. Irbahna wkoll premijiet simili mill-Awtorita tax-Xandir. Mill-banda l-ohra kieku ahna konna nithallsu illum daqs kemm kien jithallas Godfrey Grima meta siehbu Roland Flamini tah programm fuq il-PBS 20 sena ilu, fi zmien gvern Nazzjonalista cert li Bondi+ ikompli jitjieb.

3. Godfrey Grima qisu ried jinsinwa li jien ghamilt programm fuq Alfred Sant meta marad u li fih jien imxejt b’mod skorrett. Din hija gidba.

4. Joe Grima qal li jien “insemmi miljun ruh” fil-programm u “qatt ma’ incempel lil hadd”. Mhux veru. Meta stajna ncemplu, cempilna. Fil-kaz tal-allegazzjoni li Karmenu Vella dahhal il-kontrabandu meta kien ministru, konna gibna r-risposta tieghu fl-edizzjoni ta’ wara.

5. Joe Grima u huh Godrey qalu f’kor wiehed li mhux veru li Bondi+ jittenderja kull sena biex jidhol fl-iskeda. Din hija gidba.

6. John Dalli rabat ir-rapport falz ta’ Joe Zahra, li dakinhar kien jaghmel xi xoghol ghal Bondi+, mar-rizenja tieghu. Ir-rapport ta’ Zahra dwar Dalli ma’ kellu x’jaqsam assolutament xejn ma’ Bondi+. Jien lanqas kont naf li jezisti qabel hareg fil-pubbliku. Fil-fatt, fil-mument li sirt naf bih, jien keccejt lil Joe Zahra immedjatament.

7.  John Dalli jghid li Joe Zahra kien jaghmel “il-preparazzjonijiet kollha” ta’ Bondi+. Din hija gidba. Zahra ma’ kien involut f’ebda decizjoni editorjali marbuta mal-programmi, inkluzi dawk li saru ma’ John Dalli.

8. John Dalli jallega li jien uzajt il-programm biex lilu “indendlu” u “naghtih id-daqqa tal-mannara”. Din hija gidba. Fil-fatt kienu medja ohra li hargu bl-istejjer dwaru u ahna segwejnihom bhal ma kellna l-obbligu li naghmlu.

9. John Dalli jistaqsi minn fejn gibna c-cifri li wzajna fil-programmi dwaru. Id-dmir tal-gurnalist hu li johrog il-fatti li jkunu fl-interess pubbliku. U hekk ghamilna. Iktar importanti, minn hekk John Dalli ma cahad ebda wahda mic-cifri li wrejna.

10. John Dalli qatt ma’ ipprotesta kontra xi edizzjoni ta’ Bondi+ li deher fiha hu, kif kellu dritt jaghmel. La maghna u lanqas mal-Awtorita tax-Xandir.

11. John Dalli qal li fi promozzjoni tal-programm ghidna li hu kien se jidher f’Bondiplus meta huwa lanqas kien jaf bil-programm. Mhux veru. Ghidna li kien mistieden kif fil-fatt kien.

12. John Dalli qal li jien kont parti minn “komplott skandaluz” biex hu jitnehha. John Dalli qed jigdeb u nerga’ nisfidah, kif diga’ ghamilt diversi drabi, biex jaghmilli libell.

13. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando qal li bil-mistoqsija tat-televoting li darba konna ghamilna fi programm dwar il-proposta ta’ waste treatment plant fl-Imnadjra ridna nqarqu. Mhux veru. Qal ukoll li r-rizultat finali ma’ hrignihx. Gidba ohra. Hrignih 2 minuti mit-tmiem.

14. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando irrefera ghall-edizzjonijiet ta’ Bondi+ dwar il-kaz tieghu tal-Mistra bhala “mhux ippreparati”. Mhux veru. Fil-fatt kienu precizament dawn l-edizzjoni ta’ Bondi+ li hargu l-verita u min kien qed jghidha. Kien minn Bondi+ li hareg li Alfred Sant kellu ragun fuq il-fatti.

15. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando qal li lanqas l-iktar prezentatur “fenominali” mhu kapaci jsib bizzejjed suggetti biex jaghmel zewg programmi fil-gimgha. Dan mhux talli mhux veru, talli z-zewg edizzjoni ta’ Bondi+ fil-gimgha sikwit qed ikollna naqsmuhom biex nittrattaw tlieta u erba suggetti.

16. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando qal li jien “ma’ kontx favur” id-divorzju u li “biddilt id-diska” ghax xi hadd gibidli “l-ispag”. Qed jerga’ jigdeb. Jien kont minn dejjem u bqajt favur id-divorzju kif jixhed l-istess artiklu tieghi li kkwota hu stess waqt il-programm.

17. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando allega li jien attakkajt lil Jesmond Mugliette. Gidba ohra.

18. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando qal li jien “fabbrika tal-qerq”. Huwa car li JPO dak li hu tieghu irid itih lill-haddiehor.


Alex B said...

Translation for non-Maltese part 1:

The total ridicule of the broadcasting laws, of balance and impartiality in the programme “Inkontri” was a result of one basic fact. Bondi + and I were the subject of discussion almost constantly, even in recorded excerpts, without me being ever present.

The level of ridicule increased even more as a result of another basic fact. Joe Grima refused several appeals to phone me so that at least I would be able to give my views, this appeal was made 13 times.

The lies and incorrect facts that were said about me and Bondi + were:

1. Gino Cauchi said that Bondi+ had been convicted four times of imbalance by the Broadcasting Authority. Not true. In the 20 years I have been presenting programmes on TVM, the Authority found Bondi+ guilty of imbalance only twice. In 20 years! More importantly even in these two cases, the PBS had disagreed with the decision of the Authority and in one case sued the Authority in Court.

2. Godfrey Grima said that Bondi + is a "a cheap product". While he is entitled to his opinion, may I remind Grima that in every edition on the Malta TV Awards Bondi + had always been judged as the best program on current events. We also won also similar awards from the Broadcasting Authority. On the other hand were we to be paid today the same amount of money that had been paid to Godfrey Grima at the time when his mate Roland Flamini gave him a programme on PBS 20 years ago, during the times of a Nationalist administration, I am certain that Bondi+ would continue to improve.

3. Godfrey Grima insinuated that I had made a program on Alfred Sant when he was ill and that I had acted incorrectly. This is a lie.

4. Joe Grima said that I "mention millions of people" in the program and "never call anyone of them". Not true. Whenever we could call, we called. As to the case of the allegation against Karmenu Vella that he had smuggled some goods at the time he was a government minister, we carried his reply in the following edition of the programme.

5. Joe Grima and his brother Godfrey said in chorus that is not true that Bondi+ tenders each year for inclusion in the TVM schedule. This is a lie.

6. John Dalli connected the fake report published by Joe Zahra, who was at the time did some work for Bondi +, to his resignation. Zahra’s report on Dalli had absolutely no connection with Bondi +. I wasn’t even aware of its existence until it was made public. In fact, the moment I came to know of it, I immediately dismissed Joe Zahra.

7. John Dalli says that Joe Zahra had been making "all the preparations" for Bondi +. This is a lie. Zahra was never involved in any editorial decision related to the programme, including those made about John Dalli.

8. John Dalli claims that I used the program to have him "hung" and to "inflict the final blow of the hatchet". This is a lie. In fact the stories about him were published in other media first, and we followed upon them as were obliged to do.

Alex B said...

Translation part 2

9. John Dalli questioned the source of figures that were mentioned in the programme about him. The duty of any journalist is to publish facts that are of public interest. That is what we did. More importantly, John Dalli never denied that the figures shown were correct.

10. John Dalli never protested against any edition of Bondi+ in which he appeared, as he was entitled to do. He never protested with us nor with the Broadcasting Authority.

11. John Dalli said that in promoting the programme about him we said that he would appear in Bondi+ when he had not even been aware that the programme was to be broadcasted. Not true. We had said he was invited as in fact he was.

12. John Dalli said that I was part of a "scandalous conspiracy" so that he be removed. John Dalli is lying and I challenge him, as I have done several times already, to institute libel proceedings against me.

13. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando alleged that the televoting question that we had once asked in a programme about the proposed Waste Treatment Plant in Imnadjra had been purposely misleading. Not true. He also said that we did not announce the final result. Another lie! We announced it two minutes from the end of the programme.

14. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando referred to the editions of Bondi + on the Mistra case involving him as "not well prepared". Not true. In fact it was precisely these editions of Bondi+ that brought out the whole truth and who was actually saying it. It was from Bondi + that it was established that Alfred Sant had been correct about the facts of the case.

15. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said that even the most "phenomenal" presenter is not able to find enough subjects to produce two programmes a week. This is untrue, for both editions of Bondi + in a week we are often compelled to split up the time to deal with three or four different subjects.

16. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said that I "had not been in favour” of the introduction of divorce and that I had “changed my tune” because someone had “pulled my strings". He is once again lying. I was always and continued to be for the introduction of divorce as evidenced in the same article of mine he was quoting from himself during the program.

17. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando alleged that I had attacked Jesmond Mugliette. Another lie.

18. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said that I am a "factory of deception". It is clear that JPO wants to give to others what he has himself.

Anonymous said...

Lou, I did not watch the programme Inkontri live i.e. the programme in which you were being attacked. And, I happened to have watched the repeat coincidentally whilst browsing through stations before heading off to bed. To begin with, I must say that the reason for not watching the first transmission of the programme is that I happen not to have much time for cheap "entertainment" of the sort provided by Joe Grima. My disdain towards all programmes by Grima was further justified by the way in which you weren't allowed to defend yourself during the programme. I did also feel sorry for Peppi Azzopardi who was attacked from all quarters which is typical of a coward as is Joe Grima. Intelligent individuals who watch Bondi+ and might have had the opportunity to watch Inkontri would realise who is really bias in the way he conducts his programme. Joe Grima's way of conducting his programme is not only bias and cowardly, but I must say violent to say the least. But after, what is expected from Joe Grima? Most people who experience him as a minister know what he is capable of.

Ganni l-fus said...

kumment ghall-attenzjoni ta' Joe Grima: "il-qahba milli jkollha ttik!"

... u skuzawni jekk qed noffendi l-qhab.

Aleks Farrugia said...

ikkoregini jekk jien zbaljat... imma ma niftakrekx taghti ragun lil Alfred Sant fuq il-kaz tal-Mistra... ;)

BondiBlog said...

@ aleks - Tidher li nsejthom iz-zewg programmi li kont ghamilt dwar il-kaz. Donnu li huwa l-PL li llum nesa li Sant kellu ragun. Skuzani imma ma stajtx rirrezistiha :)

BondiBlog said...

@ aleks - Tidher li nsejthom iz-zewg programmi li kont ghamilt dwar il-kaz. Donnu li huwa l-PL li llum nesa li Sant kellu ragun. Skuzani imma ma stajtx rirrezistiha :)

Anonymous said...

Ħaħħa! Min jaf Joey l-Love xi jgiddem dufrejh u jisħet il-mument li twikka bil-Brothers Grim(a) (ta' Beck din) u jpespes f'widnejn Mixell "Mank li kellna nofs il-Bondi magħna!"

U ppermettili nibqa' ngħidlek sakemm tisma' minni: Biddel il-ħost għax qlajt il-fwied biex nara xi ħaġa, u daqt nasal għall-bażwa.