27 October 2011

I am Lou Bondin

This is the front page of today's l-orizzont, which is effectively the Partit Laburista's daily paper.

If you click on the image you'll see that my last name is misspelled in the heading's sub (or super) title. 

I am Lou Bondin.
At first I thought that it's just an innocent typo. But no, that is how l-orizzont insists on spelling my name throughout.

So what is going on here?
I cannot for the life of me figure it out. Is it some sort of a joke? A subliminal message that so far escapes me? 

Be generous and help me unravel the mystery.


Clayton Luke Mula said...


Bla dubju li jridu jwaqqgħu għar-redikolu lilek Lou għax m'għandhomx fiex jhedew.

Jafu li qed iżommilhom iebes u għalhekk li l-kampanja qed idur fuqek u fuq Peppi Azzopardi u fuq il-Where's Everybody?

Dalgħodu anke kien hemm messaġġi fuq Facebook minn Deputat tal-Labour biex Peppi jilħaq il-coach tat-team Nazzjonali tal-Football Malta għalfatt li skont l-istess Deputat kien l-istess Peppi li kkowċja lil PN biex jirbaħ l-Elezzjoni Ġenerali.

Anonymous said...

u ejja Bondin...tkunx negattiv... minn hamsa gabu wahda tajba :p

JoeM said...

My name is Bond, Lou Bond.

AC said...

Dak biex ma tkunx tista tifthilom libell jekk jigdbu fuqek ...

Everyone would know they're refering to you, but legally you cannot take action. It's wise in their own weird way actually.

Kenneth Cassar said...

Mela nsejt meta Mintoff, fuq Xarabank, tfixkel lil James Bondin mieghek?

Forsi ghandhom l-istess problema ;)

Anonymous said...

MLP wants to be in government so they will be in a position to do vendettas. That's their forte.

They have no clue how to run a government and have no solutions on how to raise our standard of living, increase job opportunities while simultaneously lower our deficit. So what do they do, they attack people who expose them for what they really are.

Tonight again I will join the 100,000 fellow citizens who tune in weekly to watch your informative programme.

Cikku said...

Lou all this publicity you are getting for free will make your programme even more popular. How ironic. These are the same people who are so worried because your programme is very popular, so much so that they want you out of PBS as soon as possible. To get their pound of flesh they are defeating their own objective because all this fuss will definitely increase your audience. X'faqar ta' nies!

Anonymous said...

They misspelt your name.

But why is it that you mispronounce your own name?

Anonymous said...

Could this be possibly related to how the grey eminence addressed you during your programme. Dear Joseph, with that sickening smirk, addressed you as "Lou Bondi" at least twice. It sounded very strange but one never knows what they think they are up to. Too clever and devious for their own good.

Giov.DeMartino said...

Dak biex ixebbhuk ma' James Bondin

Village said...

Mintoff style tactics and method of ridiculing individuals and opposition was used to incite violence from labour thugs.

manuel cutajar said...

Ezatt,biex ixxebhuk ma James Bondin. Non sense, ma nafx bhalek x irridu jghidu biha......humour tal qamel u mhux f postu.

Lister said...

Lou, you underestimate them. It is a brilliant plan that they have.

When you call on the police to investigate L-Orizzont for criminal libel (which they probably expect you to do) or something they will tell the magistrate "Who this Bondi bloke is after all and why he sue us? We don't written no nutthin about him."

Magistrate reads the front page of the newspapes. She remarks "That's right dude I don't see no Bondi mentioned anyhwhere. Oh look here what a coincidence this picture here looks so much like him though."

"Oh yes that must be the guy who does the cooking program on TVM" remarks the Orizzont editor.

Bullybeef and Chips said...

Sur Bondi, lil Joe Cuschieri tajtu borza toffee , suffara u buzzieqa wara il- program , mar-rigali l ohra, talli qad good boy? lol

Anonymous said...

It's so simple. it's got to do with animosity. They don't want to give you credit for even knowing your name and surname correctly. They feel as if quoting the exact name is giving you some importance. Dr. Sant used the same tactics. Remember him when he used to pretend that he forgot the name of someone that he is going to critisise? Quote.....'Imbaghad kien hemm l-iehor....x'jismu dak....tal-kaz ta'...etc.....' and the gathering will all utter his name..... ' ehh...dakkk.....!'

Anonymous said...

Well at least they did'nt spell your first name Loo, like TYOM.

Anonymous said...

"Loo Bondin"...

Has a certain class. :)

Karl Consiglio said...

Its obvious that they got a hard-on for you Lou. Dan kaz ta bullying, and the bully, as we all know, does that out of insecurity. What makes me laugh is that they reveal their insecurity, not just in the odd blog in which I've also been a victim myself, but in their NEWSPAPER! No less. This does not just reveal their insecurity but gives us a taste of things to come as a result of their insecurity should they make it to gov.

Victor Laiviera said...

What do you think of your sidekick, Daphne Caruana Galiza, repeatedly referring to Joseph Muscat as "Gowzef"?

Could we have your opinion oi that, please?

Anonymous said...

hija affari psikologika - jaghmluha biex jinkuk, ghax ikunu qed jilghabu mal-identita tieghek...
..Filwaqt li ghall-qarrej tinstema bhal zarzira ckejkna u x'aktarx tghaddi, ghal min tkun intenzjonata, f'dan il-kaz inti, taqbes minn fuq il-page, u x'aktarx tieqaf tahseb fuqha... u ghandha mnejn tfixklek.
Hija l-istess teknika, li Sant kien isejjah lil JPO 'Pullicino Orland', jew Eddie kien isejjah lil Sant 'Elfred'...

hekk naraha jien :)

Bunny Rabbit said...

Alfred = ElfRed or is it ElveRed?