21 October 2011

It's official: Vote Labour and he goes

Now it is official.  

Jason Micallef, the former secretary general of the Partit Laburista, has made the following declaration in today's l-orizzont.

" ... wasal iz-zmien li ma' nibqghux induru aktar mal-lewza u se nkun jien li nghidha bla problemi ta' xejn. 

Kemm-il darba wara l-elezzjoni li gejja jkun hemm Gvern Laburista, dawk li jkunu fdati bit-tmexxija tal-PBS ghandhom jaraw li Joe (Peppi) Azzopardi jitwarrab minn fuq l-istazzjon nazzjonali."


Antoine Vella said...

Jason Micallef should have continued to "not beat around the bush": Peppi Azzopardi and Lou Bondi would be replaced by Labour proteges.

Gvern tal-Mintoffjani għall- Mintoffjani. Jason strikes again.

BondiBlog said...

From Facebook

Victor Fiorini Tal-biza.

Bernice Farrugia jew tad-dahk!!! ma nafx liema wahda minnhom to be honest!!

Joe Gabriel Vella Gaddafi Style.

Michael Scicluna thats why you need to go.....coz its only something a person said not a party declaration..but here you are misinforming people!

Vincent Valletta So you're safe then.

Karl Grech Good to see that the first 'project' on the 'new' Labour government agenda will be to make sure that only people who are 'tal-qalba' are employed. I thought those days were gone but I guess they will be back in 18 months :s

Angelo Micallef Labour's democratic credentials have always been questionable at best! Naturally the likes of Where's Everybody? is irritating to a party who's idea of democracy is lackies a la L-Orizzont and who's idea of independent journalism is the likes of Godfrey Grima (brother of former PL Minister Joe Grima) and Sabrina Agius (latest pen pal to Joseph Muscat)!

Rene' Farrugia Tghid nergaw nigu bl- In Taghna, ghanx l isem Nazzjon ikollu jispicca

Clayton Luke Mula Dawn iridu jmexxu lill-pajjiżna?

Mela skont huma jmisshom jiddeċidu li l-ebda Nazzjonalist ma jibqa' jaħdem jekk il-PL ikun fil-Gvern.

Alla jeħlisna milli nerġgħu nkunu taħt tmexxija Soċjalista.

Lisa Grech-Mahoney Maaaa we're going back in time !!

Rene' Farrugia Ifhem Jason maghruf ghal paprati - biss biss ma ninsewx meta fl-ahhar elezzjoni fl 10am qall li PL rebah elezzjoni, imbghad wara 4 sieghat ghosfor u ma dehrx iktar.

Mark Anthony Portelli alternating parties in government are definitely healthy but this is not the way. Hate is being breed again within the social classes structure..

Jo Archie About time li naraw ucuh godda! Wara kollox ghamiltu lira tal where's everybody thanks to your government!

Joe Gabriel Vella Dikjarazzjoni perikoluza.

Michael Scicluna alfred sant tried to give everyone their fair chance but only

BondiBlog said...

From facebook

Rene' Farrugia True Michael but unfortunately, I tought with the new leadership Pl would had continued one thing Alfred Sant did rite - cleaning the party. Unfortunately old people from the old regim were re-introduced. Don't take me wrong because I also believe that now it's time also for the PN for a good cleanup.

Michael Scicluna new pl isnt ousting everybody just back stabbers. who has good ideas and sincerily wants to help is more than welcome......as already proven! but who ever helps is being prosecuted for something that has been forgoten for years!! so be aware!!]

Emmanuel Caruana
It is a proof that the Labour Party changed the outside image such as a posing leader, the name from MLP to PL and the Logo. Underneath these nothing changed. It is a pity to have an opposition party in Malta in this way as Malta need another party which challenges the PN. In my opinion Malta should vote for PN in the next election but in a different way. We need different people representing the Maltese but we do not need a different government as the PL is not the alternative option for us for sure.

Dor said...

Prosit Jason you still haven't learnt anything through out the years!!

Alfred Mangion said...

You need not worry Peppi (and Lou). Jason has experienced first hand how to get in PBS. Or, Joseph might advise you how to get in some newsroom. "Hanzir, taqtaghlu denbu, hanzir jibqa"!

JP Attard said...

Why is it that every time that Jason speaks, I do not feel part of PL? If I were Joseph, I will put Peppi as Chairman of PBS. I guess I will be off for a three day tour in Sicily for the coming election.