5 November 2011

We will be heroes

The PN's heroes are known. Quite simply, they are its leaders. And each is known for a particularly significant historical contribution to the country. 

Gorg Borg Olivier is the father of Independent Malta - a statesman whose vision and discreet perseverance gave birth to the Maltese state. His successor, Eddie Fenech Adami, is recognised as the man who gave back rights, prosperity and freedom back to the citizens of that state and later piloted it straight to the heart of the European Union.

The Partit Laburista has heroes, or rather a hero, of sorts as well. Also a former leader, he is Dom Mintoff. He is as mythical as Fenech Adami and perhaps slightly more so because it was he who founded the party run by Joseph Muscat today.

But this is where the similarity ends. Mintoff saw himself as the party and therefore no one else but him was fit to run it. When he stepped down in the early 1980s he was happy to dangle his long-suffering successor Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici as his puppet on a string. 

As Alfred Sant slowly and painstakingly cut off the strings one by one between 1992 and 1998, Mintoff's ire started to build. When Sant cut off the last one Mintoff exploded and delivered the deadly blow to his successor's government. The man who would not be a puppet was left lifeless in the middle of the stage. And although for the following decade he tried to get up three times - four if you include the EU referendum - he kept falling face down on the boards.

In sum, the Partit Laburista and its supporters have a problem with heroes. Mintoff was one but after what he did can never be quite the same. Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici never aspired to be one and Alfred Sant became the valiant but ultimately tragic anti-hero.

Perhaps this might explain why today the Partit Laburista is looking for heroes on territory which is not theirs. What are Franco Debono, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and John Dalli for the Partit Laburista? They are their ersatz heroes.

David Bowie's magisterial song 'Heroes' has a line which perfectly describes the situation.

"We can be heroes, just for one day".


Anonymous said...

...Would prefer if you don't mention David Bowie in our dirty amateur politics.

Xirka gurnalisti 'independenti' said...

Lou..your obsession with the Labour party and its supporters is shifting into a rather unhealthy case of voyeurism....

Matt said...

Any reason why Lawrence Gonzi was not mentioned as a hero?

Observer said...

"Eddie Fenech Adami, is recognised as the man who gave back the rights, prosperity and freedom back to the citizens of that state"

I'm sure that a certain Joseph Fenech (aka Żeppi l-Ħafi) would heartily endorse that statement.

Tikka said...

Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici didn't suffer. We did.

silvio said...

Dear L.Bondi,as much as I enjoy writing on your blog,I am lately noticing that it is becoming too biased,and you are overdoing it with your crtisisim,and even trying to ridicule the P.L. especially it's leaders.
Unfortunatly this has rendered your Blog too partisian,which will eventually attract only those elements,whose only interest is just P.N.propaganda and it will keep away all those who's interest is debating a variety of interesting topics,as they arise.
If on the other hand your aim is to turn your blog into a P.N.propaganda site, you will eventually find yourself preaching only to the converted,as persons who feel offended,by what is printed,will just give up following.

I am sure you would not like your blog to turn into something like A TASTE OF YOUR MEDICINE, which saying the least,is something revolting,as can be judged by the very few who follow it.

Bunny Rabbit said...

"We can be heroes, just for one day".
You bet. Read the new comments on JPO's facebook.
L ewwel ''osanna osanna'', u issa ''sallbu sallbu''.


Gimme More said...

Too much politics. Not much society or culture. Scratch that, no society or culture.

Anonymous said...

About yesterday debate, I was following it from my radio. I think that the labour never used the previous transport, and I tell you why.All the MPs on the opposition side failed to say the bad service some buses gave us.

I will tell you something about the yellow buses because I used them quite often.Say fifty percent of them they were filthy

They miss trips. When it rains there was this particular bus you have to open the umbrella. Some of the drivers were very rude,especially with the tourist. They give them the wrong change.

Now we have cleaner buses, smarter drivers. Now arriva have to monitor the drivers who can hurt the company.
It's true the arriva still have to do more changes, especially with the stops where people go up and down the buses.

Well I hope arriva speed up and take action to arrange the routes, . Good luck.

Observer said...

@ Anonymous

You are making the wrong comparison. You cannot compare Arriva with the previous buses but with,

a) What we were promised, and

b) What we should be getting for the money spent and the subsidy (yes subsidy, like the hated Drydocks) we are paying Arriva.

Fair's fair said...

I'm sick and tired of people being scandalised by the subsidy being given to Arriva. Do these people not know that our previous bus owners were also heavily subsidised from our taxes? And MUCH MORE so?

I use the buses to get to work and back. I've never been late. There are two bus stops round the corner where there used to be none. I can get to Valletta, Mater Dei, Bugibba and the airport. Before I could only travel to Valletta or Rabat from a bus stop that was much farther away.

I will not say that the service is faultless but complaints are being attended to and the necessary changes made. I salute minister Gatt for having the balls to take a previously very sacred bull by the horns and trying to tackle it.

I, for one, definitely do not miss the old bus (dis)service.

Cikku said...

Lou, it's been over 24 hrs since you last contributed in your blog. I guess this was because you were kept busy with other things. I hope you were not bullied by that coward of Hon Franco "Wannabe a Minister" Debono. Incidentally I saw Dissett on TVM and Reno Bugeja rubbished Franco completely. No wonder he chickened out from Bondi+. I wonder how long it will be till this narcissistic becomes aware that he is on a suicide mission.

Geddy Lee said...

Nice one from Bowie. But I find it more fitting to use "No More Heroes" by The Stranglers to sum up matters today.

Observer said...

@ Cikku

You can call Franco Debono a lot of things - but not a coward. Not by a long shot.

Reuben Scicluna said...

@ Observer

Have you ever heard it said that fools rush in where angels fear to tread?

Debono stopped his rushing when it was too late.