3 September 2011

JPO discovers Christ

Now, I'm losing my religion
"It is only the bitter, the bored and cowards who are cruel. Historically true heroes have always been associated with humanity and compassion."
This is a post that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has just put up on facebook, accompanied by this portrayal of Jesus Christ.
There are so many things I could say about this but I shall restrain myself. It is just too easy.
I will let you think and say them in the comments section. Go forth and multiply.


Anonymous said...

Delusions of grandeur. My God - excuse the pun!

Lilla said...

Like charity, humanity and compassion should begin at home. I bet his children felt the compassion when he publicly proclaimed that he couldn't wait to divorce their mother.

Ing.Lupp.Mann.Fildiputt said...

I'm utterly bored.

It's only my compassion that keeps me from telling Jeffrey what to do with himself.

OMG! said...

U jghidu li ma sibniex zejt...

Ragonier.Gran.Faraput TeduKaz said...

@ Ing.Lupp.Mann.Fildiputt
:) LOL