3 October 2011

Joe Grima lectures on democracy

Joe Grima, an expert on democracy
I have now seen it all. Joe Grima, the former Dom Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici minister, has just aired one of the most politically surreal features I have ever seen .

Aired on his programme "Inkontri" on Super One, the whole point was to show that the day that Eddie Fenech Adami and the PN won the 1987 election was the day that democracy died in Malta. 

I know, you probably need to read that sentence again. But that is what the feature said.

So get this. Before the 1987 election, Joe Grima militantly opposed the basic democratic principle that the party which obtains the majority of votes wins the election. Now he's telling us that the election of Eddie Fenech Adami destroyed Maltese democracy, not rehabilitated it. Grima also describes Lawrence Gonzi's government as a " benign dictatorship". I honestly am speechless.

But I spoke to fast. The programme has just taken an even more bizarre turn. Toni Abela, the PL deputy leader, is on the panel. 

So get this as well. Toni Abela had left the Partit Laburista in the early 1990s because of Labour heavies like, amongst others, Joe Grima. Now, two decades later, the two are chumming it up on TV about democracy. 

Ooops, here comes yet another bizarre turn. Now, Anglu Farrugia, who was a member of the ugly police force in the 1980s has called in to chip in with his views on democracy.

Fellini would have produced a wonderful film out of tonight's "Inkontri".


ray said...

can you pls find something to critises in PN????
Everything is good for you in (that party)if it is a party at the moment ???????.

Leave us to live the new era lou

Bunny Rabbit said...

Thank you Mt Grima for reminding voters above the age of thirty why they should NOT vote in Joe Muscat's brand new moderate progressive party. Thanks also to the GWU-warthog Tony Zarb for the timely reminder.

Bunny Rabbit said...

"ray said...
Leave us to live the new era lou "

What new era Mr Ray? Joe Grims, as was Karmenu Vella and AST were socialist ministers at a time when you were not even a twinkle in your father's eyes.

helen cassar said...

Mr. Grima's memory must be playing him up........'democracy died'....has he forgotten his radio phone in programmes and the programme he presented on ..........NET TELEVISION. Yes that is why I keep on remembering the horrible 80's when I had to spend my youth fighting for democracy instead of enjoying a care free life. Yes and I pass it on to all those who think that Malta in the 80's is something of the middle ages. It all can easily catch up with us again because the perpetrators are still alive and kicking.

Isabelle said...

There couldn't be a better description of the programme than "surreal".

Antoine Vella said...

Lou, you can take Ray's plea as a compliment*. He desperately wants to crticise the PN but doesn't know how (at least not intelligently) so begs you, literally, to do it for him as he believes you'd do it better. Daphne gets a lot of this too.

*unless he's winding up Labour Elves by mimicking their whining.

Antoine Vella said...

Regarding Joe Grima, re-writing Malta's history will be one of the main objectives of the PL in government and the next election is crucial for this reason too.

Labour's revision of history is not just a slight re-interpretation of events from a different perspective but an outright turning-the-truth-on-its-head mission.

This is why I cannot agree with you lou, when you say that political parties should not have their own television stations.

You'll see that, should the PL win the elections, as is likely, the PN would need all the media it could muster to counter the Mintoffian propaganda machine.

JV said...

Didn't Joe Grima once praise Eddie Fenech Adami's democratic credentials in one episode of his programme on Net TV?

Fellini did write and direct something analogous Lou, the Satyricon.

it twila said...

Ara sewwa jghidu - li il Qahba milli jkollha itiek - il veru waqghu fil bazzezzi - what does Mr. Grima take us for - idiots !!! hallina trid !!

Petronius said...

@JV I beg to differ!

malteser said...

Sounds like Cicciolina lecturing on the virtues of chastity...

JV said...


maybe Alberto Sordi in I Vitelloni is closer....


Anonymous said...

Grima is the most fickle man in Malta. A confused man. The problem is that he is dangerous. He is doing his utmost to rewrite MLP's dreadful history.

For the life of me I don't know why the PN is allowing these people manipulating history. Urgently, the PN needs to create a public relations office to remind people of the MLP's frightening past.

M. Zammit said...

Veru ta' ara min jrid jghallem x'inhija demokrazija!! What does Mr. Grima think, that we are a bunch of idiots???

Anonymous said...

Alfred Sant did his utmost to clean MLP from the violent past under Mintoff/KMB years. Sant wisely distant himself from the likes of Joe Grima for many reasons.

Only a victory by the PN will Sant be vindicated.

lex said...

Well let us assume that they are all right for a moment and that we are currently living a dictatorial state.

If that was really the case I would find more blame in the opposition party during this 25-year old stretch, rather than the party in government, since they did not offer a real option to the electorate, and I assure Joe Grima and all his amateurish spin doctors at ONE TV that the people that really decide elections see it as I do, and yesterday's show was just two hours of self criticism.

And criticising the MLP of the last 25 years is the same as criticising the new Pl, since i can only see the banner, the name and the leader as new, but then again the later was one of the main opponents of Malta joining the EU and funnily enough the one who individually pocketed the most of it. A Party with an obsession to power led by an prime opportunist.

Anonymous said...

Vera kien programm qisu stunat! Ma bdejtx nemmen x'qed nisma! Chris Cardona ma riedx isemmi l-passat forsi ghax fl-87 kien ixejjer il-bandiera tal-PN! Izda li jitkellem Anglu Farrugia wisq! Dan kien ibezza' lic-cittadin, u llum jikellem dwar id-demokrazija. Joe Grima ghamel programm farsa, programm falz, u kulhadd jaf min huma dawk in-nies. Pretendejt li Robert Arrigo jkun ftit aktar iebes izda donnu li lanqas huwa stess ma beda jemmen x'qed jisma

Bunny Rabbit said...

Issa faqqset din li ma tridx li ma tridx li il-passat tal -Labour jigi imfakkar!


Bil haqq, Sur Bondi prosit talli urejtna x pinnur fih issur Engerer illejla.

Kif jghidu..........keep it up ta.


NOT-demented yet. said...


povra malta... said...

...meta kellu il programmi fuq Net Tv kien jghid mod ihor... principji soda!

...il partit laburista irid izarma u jibda mill gdid, il bqija imwehhlin fit tajn se jibqghu...

ghal kul min qed isaqsi fuq il partit nazzjonalista u jittallbu biex nikkritikaw il partit nazzjonalista... iz zewg suggetti huma separati... jekk qed nitkelmu fuq Joe Grima, kif tista titkellem fuq il PN?

...ma jfisserx li il PN huwa xi partit fejn kolox sejjer tajjeb. anzi bhalissa xejn ma jdoqqli...

mela ma nhaltux il hass mal .ass...

imma biex xi hadd, hu min hu, jigi jghid li 1987 spiccat id demokrazija allura vera verament ma jafux x'inhuma jghidu...

kif qal Hu "Mulej ahfrilhom ghax ma jafux x'inhuma jaghmlu"

Anonymous said...

L-ebda wiehed fil PL ma jaghlimna fid-demokrazija,mela insew fiz-zmien meta IN-NAZZJON TAGHNA ma setghatx igib l-isem NAZZJON fost hafna affarijiet ohra li ma stajtx taghmel.GRIMA ghandu id-DEMENTIA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Emmnuni ma nemminx li missier id-dittatorjat jigi jippriedka quddiemna sabiex jghallimna xi tfisser id-demokrazija! Alla hares nergghu nigu ghal dak iz-zmien! Qazzizni Joe Grima jitkellem, imbaghad jigi is-sur Engerer u jigi jghid dawk il-hmerijiet kollha! Ghal kull statement li qal sab clip tieghu nnifsu tikkontradixxieh! Missu jirrezenja issa minn vici sindku ghax tela' ghax kien f'isem il-PN! Issa jekk inhu nadif, missu johrog pubblikament u jghid li l-email mhux vera ntbaghtet! Keep it up Lou!

ray 60 said...

Both Joe Grima and Toni Abela have something in common. During the Election 1987 Corrupt Practices court case against the Zejtun criminals, Tony Abela was one of the lawyers defending the the Zwieten together with Wenzu Mintoff and on the day when the Zwieten attacked the Law Courts during the first sitting, Joe Grima came out from the court building laughing. This is an eyewitness account.