8 September 2011

Who's Moody, Lawrence or Joseph? (Part 1)

That Moody's Investors Services downgraded Malta's status from A1 to A2 and pinned the 'negative outlook' badge to our flag is not good news and it deserves to be given the weight.

Why was Malta downgraded? "The main driver underlying Malta's one-notch downgrade to A2 and negative outlook is Moody's view that the global recession of 2008-09 will leave the country with a legacy of slower medium-term economic growth," say Moody's. 

An EU official quoted by Ivan Camilleri of The Times echoes the same point: “Malta depends on the other European markets for its exports, tourism and services, and negative economic news in the rest of the euro area may eventually mean negative news for Malta’s economic growth prospects."

The facts are clear then. The 'main driver' for the downgrade was the global recession, not the local government's handling of it. We might suffer in the future but mainly because our trading partners in Europe will be doing badly.

So does Lawrence Gonzi emerge unscathed from Moody's financial grilling? No he does not. Our debt is higher than it should be and is contributing to the problem, they say.

This is the point at which we leave the realm of Moody's cold financial facts and predictions and enter that of genuine politics. Financial facts are immutable and not open to discussion. Debt politics, by contrast, are a matter of choice.

Increasing or decreasing the country's debt was a response to the global financial crisis. But ultimately it was a political decision. The political leaders of Greece, Ireland, Spain and other countries continued to live in a bubble of financial incontinence and took decisions - or rather failed to take them - which rammed their countries into a wall. Others did not and are now faring better. Where do we place on this scale?

As I understand it, Lawrence Gonzi's stewardship through the crisis was based on a simple three pointed attack - do not shelter the economy artificially from global blows, give protection only to families and businesses who need it most and pin all your hopes on economic growth.

Did it work? At this point we re-enter the realm of facts. The debt grew moderately, some businesses and families suffered but are slowly pulling through and - most cruically - the country's economic growth is now the fastest in the Eurozone (Eurostat).

At the same time exports increased by 50%, the unemployment rate was kept at a relatively low 6.3% and tourism - our economic bedrock - is hit record levels. And it was all done without resorting to the austerity measures taken by other countries. Eduction and health remained free and social services and pensions were not cut back. Again, these are facts, not opinions.

Now what is Joseph Muscat's and the PL's take on this matter, a matter which can make or break each and everyone of us? I will get to it in Part 2.


Graz said...

1) DrGonzi qabel il-Baġit 2010 ghamel surcharge qawwija fuq l-Ilma u fl-Elettriku u nehha is sussidju li kien jaghti fuq il kontijiet tad dawl u ilma.
2)Kellna żieda drastika fil-liċenzji tal-karozzi li qed jiżdiedu kull sena sakemm il karozza taghlaq dsatax il sena, segwit minn żieda drastika fil-ċilindri tal-gass
3)Zieda drastika fis sijsa fuq fuel,fl- alkoħol, Sigaretti, u minflok ma ta il-vawċers tal-enerġija huwa nehha dawn il-vouchers li jammontaw għal 11million fis-sena.
4)Xerrej li ha jixtri ghal ewwel darba propjeta qieghe jbati biż-żieda fit-Tariffi tal- MEPA segwit minn żieda drastika fil-Siment li żgur se jżidu l-prezzijiet tal-proprjetà fis suq.
5)Wara L-budget 2010 kellna zieda fic cilindri tal gas, rega ghola l-fjuwil, gholiet il bolla ghal min jaqbad 1600eur.
6) Il-Ministri inghataw zieda blura ta Eur500 fil gimgha bil mohbi f’allowances dirett mil minestri mhux mil budget allokati lill-Kamra tad-Deputati meta l-poplu inghata Eur1.16.
7)Gonzi hajagħmel Parlament ġdid u teatru bla saqaf li ha jiswina 100 miljun. Ajhar naqqas it taxxi min fun in negozjanti biex jaqtalom naqa l-ispejjez b'hekk jincentiva lil haddiem.
8)L-Gvern ha jintroduci "Second Pillar Pension" is-sena diehla jigifieri jkonna tnaqqis obligatorju fil-pagi taghna ghax tghola iktar il-bolla ghal kullhadd dan habbara il-gvern.
9)Ma kull 20Eur li tghati fuel johodlok Eur12 f’taxxa il Gvern!
10) L-isptar Mater Dei ghandu hafna inqas soddod mil- St Lukes meta giena miljuni kbar.
11)Inutli tghid sahha bxejn meta tmur ghand il privat biex tinqgheda bil ques kbar li jkun hemm.
12)L-Gvern ghamel estensioni ghal Power Station tal Marsa li tniggez
13) L-Gvern nefaq miljuni tal Euro mit taxxi taghna ghal Power Station li thammeg l-arja li tahdem bil heavy fuel oil mhux bil gas ghal arja iktar nadifa.
14)60elf familja jghixu bil minimum wage.
15) Ix-Xoghol zdied imma l-kundizzjonijiet u il-pagi li jinghataw huma dicenti ghal hajja tall lum?
16) 35% tal-Haddiema l-uniku mpjieg taghhom huwa part time b’kundizzjonijiet drastici.
17) Gonzi Pn nefaq miljuni ta Euro fuq Bisazza street biex jgiba “Pedestrianised zone” u issa sirna nafu li karrozzi tal linja ha jghaddu 479 il darba kuljum! Planning tax xejn!
18)Gholla it tarriffi ta Transport Malta.
19) Gholla b’mod drastiku il-kera tal-fabriki (MIP) jizdiedu min 42c ghal eur7 ghal kull metru kwadru fis sena.
20) Il fuel jghola kull xahar meta l-prezz taz zejt huwa inqas min 60dollaru il-barmil
Dawn huma l-fatti Lou. Ma ninsew li Dejn ga lahaq kwazi 4.5billion u mhux qeghda nsemmi id dejn tal Enemalta, AirMalta etc. Nispera li lcomment jigi jiher mhux eliminat. Grazzi u Prosit

david said...

it will be interesting to have a debt to gdp ratio over the years to really quantify the increases. I have looked online for statistics but could not come by with any.

Anonymous said...

Very superficial analysis.

Growth is very slow and not reaching the sectors which really need it.

Moody's NEGATIVE OUTLOOK means they do not envisage a bright future, despite the gloating going on by Gonzi and Fenech.

ray said...

Graz. U hadd ma jaffordja jonfoq lira hux? Ilek ma titla Ghawdex jew xi Bugibba fil weekend? Nsomma, nahseb ghalik, dawk kollha 'hbieb tal-hbieb' tan-nazzjonalisti hux?

btw, meta taghmel 'copy' u 'paste', aqra naqa qabel ghax hemm xi punti/zbalji x jitrangaw. eg. 5,17,20

Il-gurnata it-tajba. (jekk possibli taht gonziPN)

silvio said...

I'm not really surprised about the downgrading.It was expected ,the writing has been on the wall for the last three years.
How many times has the Govt been warned?
Didn't the ex-governor of the Central bank try to draw the Govt's attention on various occassions.
Our greatest shortcoming,is the fact that our minister of finance is unfortunatly not, to say the least, capable of heading this very sensetive position. He should be instantly dissmissed and the job offered to some technocrat,of whom we are lucky to have available.
In your analysis you try to make it sound that by being downgraded by just one nootch,is no big deal.
But the worse is that we have been given a negative outlook, now that is very serious,it will surely keep investments away
I hope that the Govt will deal with this matter with the sreiousness it deserves.