3 November 2011

Strange Days (The Doors)

Joe Sammut MP
Today started as rather strange and eerie day and it is becoming more so as it draws to an end.

Earlier this week I invited Joe Sammut - the Labour MP who tabled the parliamentary party motion calling for the resignation of Austin Gatt over public transport - to come on Bondi+ tonight to discuss the subject.

This morning he put up the following comment on his facebook wall:
"Illejla fuq TVM gejt mistieden fuq il-program Bondi+ li ser jiddiskuti il-mozzjoni mressqa minni f'isem il-Partit Laburista, liema mozzjoni qed titlob ir-rizenja tal-Ministru Austin Gatt! X'ser jigri ghada meta jittiehed il-vot fil-Parlament??"
Now he's put up the following comment:
"FLASH NEWS: Tlett sieghat qabel il-program BONDI+ jigi mibdul is-suggett tad-diskussjoni!!!! Ghadni kif gejt mgharraf li giet ikkancellata l-istedina tieghi fuq BONDI+ li flimkien mal-Ministru Austin Gatt u Franco Debono konna ser niddiskutu ir-riforma tat-trasport u l-mozzjoni ta' sfiducja fl-istess Ministru Gatt li ser tigi diskussa ghada fil-Parlament."
The thing is that there was no change of subject at all in tonight's Bondi+.
So what is Joe Sammut saying or trying to say? Who told him that there was a change of subject when there wasn't and to what end?


JV said...

He said the same thing on One news this evening. I guess it's the latest thing they've come up with, an undeclared boycott.

Nice try.

Orlando Ellul Micallef said...

So its a lie that he's said you have cancelled the invite for the program?

Anonymous said...

but was his invitation cancelled or not?

Observer said...

The question is - is it true that his invitation was withdrawn? If so, why?

Why was Gatt missing as well?

Anonymous said...

Forsi iddecieda imur ghal kacca minflok.

Bunny Rabbit said...

The country cannot prosper so long as the opportunistic spoilt little shits currently playing cats' cradle with the stability of this country are allowed to carry on seemingly blackmailing the government kull darba li "ikun rih isfel! The voting public is fast losing its patience with such self-centred mps.

Bullybeef and Chips said...

He stayed at home instead to fill in the VAT returns over a steaming mug of Earl Grey or Cuppa soup.

Anonymous said...

Bla dubju Austin Gatt ghandu jerfa ir responsabilita ta riforma li saret b'mod bazwija, u probabilment rizenja tkun f'waqtha. Imma dan Joe Sammut mhux qieghed f'pozizzjoni li jitkellem fuq riformi fit-transport pubbliku. L-ahhar darba li smajtu jitkellem fuq transport pubbliku kien meta issugerxxa li ikun hemm buses separati ghas-"suwed". Dakinhar rizenja ta Sammut kienet tkunf'waqtha ukoll. Imma mid-dehra l-MPs Maltin ihossuhom untouchable.

Victor Fiorini

Anonymous said...

Forsi ghazzien pesti jew kellu jiehu il-karozza ghand il-mekkanik, jew spiccalu il -pitlor jew kellu imur jaghmel ix-xirja min ghand il-Lidl . lol

BondiBlog said...

@ Observer - We did not withdraw the invitation to Joe Sammut, the PL MP who tabled the motion. It was the PL who decided not to send him. Secondly, I was not given a reason why the PN was represented by its secretary general rather than Austin Gatt

Anonymous said...

"Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando asked on his face book-


Has JPO asked why is it that people think that JPO has the interests of the anti-clerical PL at heart?