3 November 2011

See me, feel me (The Who)

Here's Franco Debono on facebook again, this time debating the pros and cons of televising parliamentary debates.

What is telling is his argument that since most of the country votes in general elections and watches TV discussion programmes in droves then they will also be glued to the box to watch hours of parliamentary debate.

This line of thinking is deeply flawed. In fact, the truth is almost the opposite. People watch discussion programmes because they cannot be bother to listen to parliamentary droning. 

Even the facts point in this direction. All surveys show that less than 1% of radio listeners tune in when parliament is transmitted live. Is Franco Debono saying that this minuscule radio listenership will magically balloon to tens of thousands of TV viewers merely because people will get to see politicians like him speaking in parliament?


BondiBlog said...

... and for the musicos out there: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb5JSKr2m6Q.

Bunny Rabbit said...

Dr. Debono have plenty of time to chat on his facebook account but none to spare to answer questions that bloggers are asking him on the TOM blog.

Dedicated specially to you Dr. Debono;
(The Chicken Song)

geddy lee said...

What a band, the who. And what an album, tommy. Thumbs up for mentioning the band. -- geddy lee

Kurt Mifsud Bonnici said...

Lou .. while I agree with you on the point that not most people would remain glued to a TV watching a parliamentary debate, I do not think that it is a valid reason to discount alternative media.

The BBC has for this past year (or more, not sure) been providing this via there Democracy Live website (http://news.bbc.co.uk/democracylive/hi/default.stm)

Apart from airing live parliamentary (and recorded ones) sittings and oversight committees for all countries in the UK, it also contains all the necessary information (such as jargon, protocol etc) that would help the man on street understand what is going on.

I believe this definitely something that PBS could take on board. Once they revamp their atrocious website of course.

Humpty said...

Maybe the best way forward is for the government to resign and for the president to call a general election. I'm convinced the people will elect a far more stable government than what we have now. Whether it's PN or PL, I'll bet my bottom euro people like FD and JPO will not be in it.

ud said...

good job franco.. just keep shooting.. yourself in the leg!

Tikka said...

"In an infinite universe, the one thing sentient life cannot afford to have is a sense of proportion."

Franco Debono's a shining example. Imagine if he were subjected to this:


Antoine Vella said...

Dr Debono seems to ignore that a lot of people are so uninterested in parliament and view MPs with such lack of respect that even the new parliamentary building is considered unnecessary and unpopular.

I do not agree with them and I think the anti-parliamentary sentiment encouraged by Astrid Vella's FAA is dangerous and a prime example of that populism the PM was talking about.

Having said that, however, Franco Debono is obviously not in touch with the common people (however much he protests to the contrary) if he thinks there is a demand for parliamentary debates to be televised