The budget speech on social benefit fraud:
" ... intensifikajna l-impenn tagħna biex innaqsu l-abbuż fuq il-benefiċċji soċjali. Minn mindu waqqafna d-Dipartiment għall-Frodi u Investigazzjoni dwar Benefiċċji, instabu ‘il fuq minn 4,340 każ ta’ benefiċċji mhux dovuti.
Nistmaw li permezz ta’ dan l-impenn pajjiżna seta’ jinvesti 21.2 miljun ewro fuq f’dak li vera ghandhom bzonn il-familji Maltin u Għawdxin."
1 comment:
Yeah yeah, I'm all for getting the people who commit fraud to get social security. But what about all the tax evaders out there? The amount they cost the government is more than three times what the government pays out in Social Security - and that's an estimate - it's probably much more. You know who I'm talking about - the businessmen/doctors/lawyers/dentists/architects etc who declare 1/3 of their income. And I don't mean to say that one fraud justifies the other however, the government should go after everybody.
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