The spend on health is becoming staggering. And it's increasing. Here's a short excerpt from the budget speech.
"Kull min jiġi bżonn is-servizzi tas-saħħa pubbliċi jaf xi jfissru. Dawn is-servizzi, flimkien ma’ dawk offruti mit-tabib tal-familja fid-djar tagħna u operaturi oħra fil-privat, huma parti mis-sisien li jħarsu t-tessut soċjali ta’ pajjiżna.
1 comment:
Daw mhux importanti imma al joey.....nixtieqek iddur dawra mal comments ta l artikli dwar il budget,fuq maltatoday u maltastar ha tara x razza ta nies aw f dan il pajjiz Lou...
Price of cement....reno - 15 November 2011 00:05
Nothing done to us contractors who try hard to keep maltese workers earning a onest liveing.but putting more to destroy us with putting up prices on cement thankyou once more p.n . how can we keep prices low on property.
E Balzan - 14 November 2011 21:36
A government of slave drivers who never believed in workers rights.
This has been a constant trait of all PN governments since the very beginning of the PN.
Ara naqra jkollok cans.....:)
Have a nice day Lou,and keep up the good work :)
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