At 17:55 tonight, before the budget speech was read, Maltastar published the following table of income tax rates reduction.
Income (€) | Current tax (single rate) | Parental Rate Jan 2012 | Difference |
9000.00 | 75.00 | - | -75.00 |
9,250.00 | 112.50 | - | -112.50 |
9,300.00 | 120.00 | - | -120.00 |
9,500.00 | 150.00 | 30.00 | -120.00 |
10,000.00 | 225.00 | 105.00 | -120.00 |
12,500.00 | 600.00 | 480.00 | -120.00 |
15,000.00 | 1,025.10 | 855.00 | -170.00 |
17,500.00 | 1,650.10 | 1,400.10 | -250.00 |
20,000.00 | 2,324.60 | 2,025.10 | -299.50 |
21,200.00 | 2,744.60 | 2,324.60 | -420.00" |
The idiots are comparing the singles' rates with the parental rates!
Min qed jisma l-budget qed isaqsi li qed jigi ipprezentat dan il-budget meta hawn l-Ewropa fi krizi ahseb u ara kieku ma konniex. Araw budgets ta' pajjizi girien taghna. Kollha mizuri ta' austerita. Veru ghandna ghalfejn nirringrazzjaw l' Alla.
Dan kollu ma giex b' kumbinazzjoni. Imma ghax imxejna bl-ghaqal u b'serjeta. L-alternattiva ghal dan il- gvern hija tal-biza. Politika tal-bahh.
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