17 November 2011

This boat is not sinking

I just came across three rather interesting facts about Maltese people who opt for cruise ship holidays.

Fact 1: Over a 12 month period, about 17,000 Maltese people took a such a trip lasting an average of a week.
Fact 2: They entered an average of 5 ports of call during each trip, spending about 60 a head in each one. In other words, apart from the cost of the trip itself - which is usually all inclusive - these 17,000 Maltese people spent an additional 5.1 million.

Fact 3: 1.8% of Europeans take cruise ship holidays. 4% of Maltese people do.

And this during a recession.


Anonymous said...

We have done very well so far.
I am generally a floating voter.

I once voted for Sant.

If things remain as they are, I will vote PN. I do not believe for a second that PL can lower my bills without taking it out of my back pocket in some other way.

I see no reason to change if the economy is good I can still sell my services.
Basically, that is it.

Anonymous said...

Muscat cannot expect people like me to vote for the PL until he offers me tangible alternatives.

I must say that I had very high hopes for him at the outset but I am not so convinced now.

The way he handled the Egypt crisis, the emails suggesting journalists should work undercover etc just make be uncomfortable.

Plus he is in my view still rather young.

Anonymous said...

to be fair, I was not going to vote for PL in 2013 because of their position on divorce.

Since divorce is now legal, I thought that I would now feel free to vote for the PL but I am still not sure about their position on abortion.

They have had people who suggested abortion in the past like SEB and they did not seem to be too bothered about that.

I am worried.

MikeC said...

Annie Lennox, "Why?", from "The Gift". What's my prize?

Andrew said...

Once again your economics skills fail to amuse...

How can you compare Malta, which is actually a Port of call, against a basket of countries in which Austria (to name just one) is included. Most Europeans would also need a return flight to/from the sea port prior to embarking on the ship. Don't you think this factor skews your comparison?

This is what happens when 'zattata' believe they have the intelligence to discuss any topic under the sun. Mind you, this happens on both sides of the garage in Valletta. As the saying goes: "In a two-party democracy, stupidity is equally balanced on both sides"!

JV said...

Malta places also very well regarding the black economy, which rests squarely on the VAT system.

Another taboo imposed by Labour.

Anonymous said...

Wherever I go, the restaurants are packed with Maltese people. And unlike what Joseph Muscat thinks the people are eating "steaks" and not pizzas.

During the Labour years only a handful of restaurants in Sliema were busy. Mind you they were mostly filled with foreigners.

We truly have prosperity while our neighbours are struggling.

silvio said...

While I tend to agree with you,that we in Malta are obviously not feeling the recession as much as most other E.U countries,on the other hand I totally dissagree with the comparisions you are making,about Criuses.

Could you compare us to, let's say nearby Italy, as to who goes sking most?

Could you make a comparison as to who goes swimming most between us and say Norway.

I am sure you know what I mean, and using these comparisions to show how well off we are,does not make sense but smells of partisian propaganda meant to impress and nothing else. Something that could be compared would be, What percentage of poulation goes abroad, on holiday? and how does this compare with other E.U countries?

Rumpelstiltskin said...

We have never had it so good. Voting for Muscat is tantamount to hara kiri

Anonymous said...

Ah well....what% of Europeans use their car to go on holiday?