4 November 2011

Back to the 1980s? Yes

This week, Franco Debono went on practically every TV current affairs programme in Malta. Yet he declined an invitation to Bondi+. 

I had given him the opportunity to be the only guest in a studio slot of equal length as that offerred to minister Austin Gatt and the PL representative. He was given exactly the same importance as the minister concerned and as the entire opposition party. 

Yet he still did not come.
Fine. Odd as it may be, that is his choice. But then he rushed to parliament today and said that Bondi+ is sending Maltese broadcasting back to the 1980s.

There is one thing about today's parliamentary session which is reminiscent of the 1980s.

And that is Franco Debono attacking me in the cosy refuge of parliament where I cannot respond. Rather do it face to face with the entire country watching.


AlxMalta said...

As Bocca said in his Blog, how can Franco compare he was only 12 years old in 1987.

Anonymous said...

Fi kliem sehbitek, "Jahasra, grown men behaving like boys bitching the girl who won't talk to them, in the school playground."

(Sors: http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2011/10/18/now-jeffreys-brought-in-the-big-guns-jasmond-mugliett/)

Anonymous said...

Irid jinghogob qisu dan, pero mhux ha jirnexxilu ghax jinghogob mill-laburisti biss qieghed...m'ghandux cans li jerga jitla' u nispera li ma jergax jitla' bhalma nispera li ma jitlax JPO...QALLAJTUNA!!

g said...

Nope, there is something else that is similar to the 1980s ........ an MP ranting on for almost 1 hour. Repeating what he has said many times before, in the hope that if he repeats it often enough, somebody might believe it is true !

I trust that Dr Gonzi realises that trying to please everybody is a recipe for disaster and that he will relieve Franco Debono of any posts that demand a responsible and reliable person !

Observer said...

Why is refusing an invitation to your program "odd"?