12 September 2011

Update: Did we say IVA to Gaddafi's money?

L-Ewropa hija Akbar?
" ... jidher li fondi Libjani gew investiti fil-kampanja enormi li saret f'Malta biex din tidhol membru tal-Unjoni Ewropeja".

This declaration was made by Alfred Sant yesterday, on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 (Torca).

Now Alfred Sant is not a common man. He is a former prime minister and he relinquished his PL leadership  post only a brief three years ago. It is equally significant that he claims that he got this information from meetings he had "with an important faction of Gaddafi's leadership".

The government, the PN and perhaps even the EU have an obligation to confirm or deny the former prime minister's declaration. If they do deny, one would expect the PL to disassociate itself completely from Alfred Sant's claim.

Let us wait and see what happens in the coming days.

UPDATE (Monday 12 Sept, 11.15): Alfred Sant's claims have been denied. It is now the PL's turn to take a stand.


silvio said...

You rightly say "If they do deny..."
What if they don't deny?

Anonymous said...

Alfred Sant - still lost in his own fantasy world!! He may yet be Joseph's nemesis.....

BondiBlog said...

Silvio, they just did

Anonymous said...

Who denied what and where is it available to read?

Antoine Vella said...

Alfred Sant has been more successful as a writer of fiction than a politician. Sometimes I wonder whether he ever managed to separate the two roles.

silvio said...

I've just read the P.N.statment denying what Sant said.

To say the truth,I expected something better and a little more convincing.

Who knows,maybe the truth lies somwhere between. Time will tell.

BondiBlog said...

@ anonymous: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110912/local/pn-slams-sant-s-libyan-money-claim.384473.

BondiBlog said...

@ anonymous: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20110912/local/pn-slams-sant-s-libyan-money-claim.384473.

silvio said...

@ Antoine Vella.
I agree with you,Sant can never be a good politician,because he is too honest and incorruptible.
This is something that no body can deny,even though we were never his supporters.

Vertiginosus said...

@ Antoine Vella.
"I agree with you,Sant can never be a good politician,because he is too honest and incorruptible."

Seriously, you make me want to sit back and weep.

Alfred Sant remains in a deep state of self delusion.

Richard Borg said...

With a decleration such as the one made by dr. Sant I do believe that a press release denying his statements would precede a libe suit. These are very serious allegations and need to be tackled as such. Or am i wrong in thinking this?

Antoine Vella said...

Alfred Sant has always had this habit of launching the most imaginative of accusations and then not following them up.

Allegations about ministers Michael Frendo and Joe Fenech come to mind as does his screaming fit (Traitor, traitor!)against Mintoff.

This latest outburst reminds me of his writing to foreign ambassadors to tell them that the government is illegitimate.

Bunny Rabbit said...

Sant lives in a world of his own where the world peopled by his fictional characters is more real to him then every-day life in Malta. Let him be Joe Muscat's cross, and as some one commented, his nemesis.

SILVIO said...

Just for the sake of accuracy
Sant never said,in his article,that Gaddafi financed the P.N.in its bid to join the E.U.
What he said was
That makes some difference,and we now know how Many factions exist in LIBYA.

BondiBlog said...

Silvio: that is what I said in the post. Read it again.

silvio said...


What you said:
..he(Sant) got this information from meetings he had with"an important faction of Gaddafi's leadership"

What Sant wrote:
Fazzjonijiet importanti fit-tmexxija tal-Libja fi zmien il Kurunell Gaddafi,appoggjaw finanzjarjament etc etc

Don't tell me there is no difference.