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Toni Abela: moderate & progressive |
Toni Abela, the deputy leader of the Partit Laburista, is politically and legally responsible for the party's sunday newspaper KullHadd.
Yesterday he ran a story criticising Natalino Fenech, TVM's head of news. The story had the following headline: "Mur sib xi Grieg Natalino Fenech".
Transposing from the vernacular, this amounts to the deputy leader of a government in waiting calling on a journalist to seek a man to sodomise him.
Give yourself 10 seconds to get over the vulgarity and crassness of such a comment uttered by the deputy leader of a political party.
Give yourself another 10 seconds to get over the fact that this is a party which is supposed to be shedding a bright liberal light on this nation.
Then concentrate on a third matter. The Partit Laburista first ghettoised gay people into a political cell called LGBT. In itself this was already a denigration of people with alternative sexual orientations. It is as if these people think with their genitals, not their brains.
Now, adding insult to injury, Toni Abela is standing outside that LGBT cell, mocking and insulting gay men in terms reminiscent of the Dark Ages.
Will the Malta Gay Rights Movement remain silent?
The language is that of a homophobe.
He's also quite versed in bigotry, especially when he asks a puppet if it's 'shuna' and longs for the days when women were the heart of the home.
He is after all, the architect of the party's structure, no wonder the ghettoes.
Interestingly enough, he was the one who patronised Norman Lowell as some interesting character on his Robin Hood.
I wonder if Mr Cyrus Engerer had anything to say on his facebook , about Dr Abela's homophobe heading.
God help us if these people have the power in their hands.Thank God we are part of Europe because I am sure they will bulldoze us.
Bl-istess argument bazwi taghkom, tlett kwarti tal-poplu Malti huwa homophobic ghax wahda mill-frazijiet l-aktar komuni li tintuza meta wiehed irid jibghat lil xihadd jixxejjer hija l-frazi "Mur hudu f's....". Din hija simili hafna ta dak li qal Dr. Abela lil Natalino Fenech. Bl-ebda mod ma tfisser li kien qed joffendi lil min hu gay, u hu propju GHALHEKK li l-Malta Gay Rights Movement ma kkummentatx jew ma kkundannatx dak il-kumment. Jien cert li kemm inti, Lou, u anke dawk li kkummentaw fuq din il-blog tafu li ma hemm xejn homophobic fil-kumment ta Dr Abela imma ovvjament reazzjoni bhal din minghandkom hija xihaga mistennija.
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