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Lawrence Grech |
Today, I was shocked to read that Lawrence Grech, one of the victims, claimed that I had objected to the victims meeting with Labour
leader Joseph Muscat. This is a total lie.
My advice to them was that this issue had to be kept above politics and that, in any case, politicians had nothing to do with it. Consequently, my view was that no meetings with ANY politicians should be held. Indeed the reason why I had arranged for the victims to meet with President George Abela was to continue reinforcing the national character of the cause.
Secondly, it was only today that I learned that the victims did in fact meet Joseph Muscat. In other words, not only did the meeting with the Labour leader take place against my advice but also behind my back.
Thirdly, Lawrence Grech is not telling the truth when he claims that I 'banned him' from speaking to other media. The truth is this. In a meeting at my office on Thursday with Dr Patrick Valentino, who is the victims' lawyer and Lawrence Grech we agreed that since the issue of financial compensation is now a legal one it should only be Dr Valentino who speaks to the media. Lawrence Grech agreed to this, even swearing that he would keep his word. Yet he broke his word again, a word given to both his lawyer and myself.
Obviously I do not know what transpired between yourself and the victims, Lou, but considering that the victims had before claimed that their case was not about financial compensation and now they changed their mind, I tend to believe you. Not saying whether they deserve financial compensation or not - just that if one wants to be coherent - they should have either not committed themselves then, or refrain from asking for financial compensation now.
Mela anke b'dan iridu jinqdew?
Zomm 'il boghod, ghax din l-istorja bdiet tinten, u dawn, il-hmieg jimirhu fih.
Lou, is there the 'right of reply' in this damn country? Maltatoday is twisting everything (for a change) and this is utterly disgraceful
@ Ray, I wouldn't ask for a right of reply from MT if they claimed that I murdered my mother. They are just trash.
As explained in my previous post the victims won the battle but not the war. The signs of weakness transpired when the war started to shift towards financial compensation. If I am not mistaken, the aim was to have a formal apology from the Church. As the victims stated they received the latter from the head of the Church (the POPE) himself. My question remains the same and thus, was this a political and tactical campaign targeting compensation? It is not my competence to decide, thanks God we have a judiciary, which is autonomous from any belief, and if they deserve compensation, the court will confer. However, I am disgusted with the spin they opted to give to their case. This will put other victims off to come out in the open and state, what happened in the past or still happening in the present time. The attack made on the Church over the past few days was out of proportion and will only leave negative impact. This will lead them to lose sympathy and therefore lose ground in the media battle prior to the hearing. Today the media plays an important role in civil and criminal cases. The judiciary is not influenced by the media, however the public is. Thus, one has to win two cases, the first hearing that is judge and presided by Tom Dick and Harry and the other before a competent court as established by our law.
Li ma nistax nifhem lou,hi li int suppost ragel inteligennti hafna iktar min dawn in nies,li nhar is sibt urew il kuluri vera tahhom. Jiddispjacini,ax int ghamilt al gid,u daw ma ikkalkulawkx,jaf l ewwel persuna go hajjithom li ippruvajt tghinhom genwinament. Thabbilx rasek siehbi,taf x jghidu hux,li kuljum titghallem xi haga gdida.
P.S.....rigward MT.....just one word .....lol....fl istess klassi ta only in malta dik il gazetta u min imexxija.
I agree with you Lou !
Hadtu il-grazzi ukoll min ghand is0sur-Grech and Co! Dawn inqdew bik kif kien ghamel darba il-porporina hafna snin ilu meta gie fuq program tieghek ibikki lil Malta kollha bli storja ta qsim il qalb ta' hajjtu! You are a very intelligent person Mr Bondi but unfortunately you are a sucker for a sob story .Dont let yourself be taken advantage of, next time.
Perhaps Joseph muscat told them that he would give them compensation when in 18 months time when he'll be the prime minister!
Lou, does it not worry you, that Lawrence may have been lying to you all these years you have been advising him.
That Lawrence went to Muscat, or even the PM for that matter was a colossal mistake in my view.
The issue is tainted with politics now. They should have been a little wiser but I think that Lawrence has let this issue go to his head.
It was already bad enough that Lawrence previously claimed that he wanted justice and was not seeking compensation from the Church.
His credibility has just sunk and any support from moderates with it.
I am not a great fan of Mr Bondi but if the MT in fact did claim that he murdered his mother, then I have to say that I am on his side and will never buy a MT on Sunday paper again.
Lou, when did they make this claim please?
@ Anonymous; I do not think that Mr Grech was lying and I am sure that he is really hurt inside. Instead of accepting all the professional help he needs to get on with the rest of his (and his family's )life, he prefers to remain stuck in the hell that was his past for the sake of filthy lucre. Will all the money in the world cure his hurts or make him the good Christian he proclaimed to be during the Pope's visit?
"even swearing that he would keep his word. Yet he broke his word again, a word given to both his lawyer and myself" : One only wonders what lies were told in court under oath!!!
Saviour, you never fail to outdo yourself.
You've destroyed these men's credibility and confirmed Labour's squalor in one fell swoop.
Looking like a well orchestrated plan to make a buckful. The fact that one of the priests officiated at Mr Grech's wedding always bugged me.
Lou, do you think there is some amateur spin-doctoring behind Mr Grech's "new" attitude and the recently found friendship with MT?
I am very sorry for Mr Grech's nearest and dearest. They must be going through a psychological hell thanks to his prima-donna manipulative tactics.He may think that now he can use the media for his own advantage but he should beware.His new-found mediaand political friends may be using him to sell their product.
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AKTAR MA JINADU AFFARJIET FUQ DAN IL-KAZ IL-QORTI TA'TRIQ IKOLLHA aktar fuq xix diskuti, xi hadt fil-blog qall li din storja qed tinten, jien niprefferi insaqsi > wiehed x'ridd gustizzja jew tpatija? x'ihnu l-ghan ? fejn irridu naslu ? jien ma riidx nitholl alla il-habib tieghi lou ma ghadux, imma IRRID NGHID LI META TINKIETEB L-STORJA XI HADD IRRID IKUN QED JAQRA X'KIEN EZATT L-GHAN TA' DAN IL-KAZZ. SA KEMM NASLU GHADNHA IL-BOGHOD U ALLURAS IL-QORTI TA ' TRIQ TKOMPLI TIDISKUTI.
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