9 November 2011

I'm attacked by a politician in a bathrobe

Ray Azzopardi: You talking to me?
Ray Azzopardi, a Partit Laburista activist or politician, posted the following comment on my facebook wall. 

I was never called Judas by a man in a bathrobe before. So I thought I'd share it with you. 

His language and mind are the embodiment of being moderate and progressive.
"guda (lou bondi), ta f xmissek tghidilna ....kif pawlu borg olivier gab il minuti tal kabinett meta dawn mhux suppost jaslu fidejn nies li mhumiex fil kabinett u johorgu wara 30 sena mil arkivji ...ara vera guda int ta u ma tistax tghid li int dejjem kont ahdar kontra il partit laburista ...!!!!!!!! ma nifilhekx jaqqqqqqqq."
Ray learning about Judas



Imbocca said...

Two minor points: I thought Judas was a betrayer, how are you supposed to have betrayed the Labour Party? And his closing interjection, isn't it a bit girly? Are you sure it was actually he who wrote the post?

Anonymous said...

Liema guda? Ghax kien hemm tnejn minghalija :)

Qed jghajrek Guda u jghid li dejjem kont ahdar kontra l-Labour ... la minn dejjem kont kontra l-labour, ghalfejn Guda?

Guda kieku kont ma naha, mbad tlaqt ma ohra (ghandhom xi tnejn maghhom bhalissa Cyrus, Pullicino etc.) ... u hemm min telaqhom, rega gie maghhom u tefawh deputat mexxej ... x'jigi dan? L-iben il-hali?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever wondered what will happen to you / Where's Everybody if the PN looses the next General Election?

Observer said...

@ Anonymous

You asked, "Have you ever wondered what will happen to you / Where's Everybody if the PN looses(sic) the next General Election?"

The answer is simple - they will have to compete for air time on a level playing fiels with other broadcasters.

No more and no less.

And that is what Lou and Peppi find so worrying.

Observer said...

Apart from his funny attire and funnier grammar, the man has a point.

How did Paul Borg Olivier (a PARTY man)get hold of cabinet documents which are (by law)strictly confidential for at least 30 years?>

Anonymous said...

ara biex irid jghabbi Joseph Muscat miskin!!!

Gimme More said...

At least he didn't flash you

Giov.DeMartino said...

Lou, issa li smajna qanpiena wahda rirkellem fuq l-interdett, il-gustizzja titlob li nisimghu il-qanpiena l-ohra. Mhux hekk?

Pawlu Mizzi said...

eżattament x'inhu l-link bejn bathrobe u l-intelliġenza ta' bniedem? jew ingravata u l-istess intelliġenza?

insellem lill-anonimi kollha li kitbu hawn.