11 October 2011

Toni against Jeffrey

I can see clearly now the rain has gone
They were quite a sight. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Toni Abela and Saviour Balzan entering the court room as busom buddies. I am so sorry I missed it.

A Nationalist who despises his leader, a Labour deputy leader who despises Nationalists, and a managing editor who despises anyone who, unlike him, has succeeded in achieving a goal.
But things were not always this way. Here is Toni Abela when he wanted JPO to resign over the Mistra case:

"Jekk Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando mhux qiegħed jiġi “framed up” u jalla hu biex joħroġ nadif minn din is-saga politika, jiena ngħid li lanqas biss għandu jersaq lejn il-Parlament. Ma nafx x’qiegħed jistenna biex jgħid li ser jieqaf hawn ... Minn dak li nafu s’issa fuq il-każ tal-Mistra, il-fatti huma ħafna aktar gravi."(Illum, 30/3/08)


Antoine Vella said...

Toni the fox and Saviour the cat taking Jeffrey Pinocchio for a ride.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope they will continue to stay in opposition for the next 20 years.