5 October 2011

Invite him again, Saviour

In a previous post I challenged Saviour Balzan, Malta Today's managing editor, to raise four questions with his TV guest, Lawrence Grech, on Monday. He failed to do so and instead asked the questions had I asked Grech 8 years ago. In other words, terribly old hat.

Someone made the point that Saviour Balzan might have recorded the programme before such questions popped up. So that excuses him. Not quite.
For starters, a real journalist would do everything possible not to record a TV programme on an issue which is taking new turns by the hour. 

Secondly, even if it was recorded, Saviour Balzan's TV programme is on air every day, he has the Malta Today website available 24/7 and the printed version comes out twice a week, today in fact.

In other words, he has all these media means at his disposal and yet he hasn't asked these questions. Why? 

Because Saviour Balzan is a sleaze bag, not a journalist.

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