9 October 2011

And here are his exact words

Joseph Muscat's office has just issued a press release quoting his heartfelt commitment to freedom of expression.

I thought it would be a good idea to reproduce the relevant section in toto. It might come in handy in the coming days.

Here are Joseph Muscat's words.

Joseph Muscat irrefera ghall-kaz tat-tfajla li lmentat b’qawwa mal-Ministru Austin Gatt ghas-sistema tat-traport pubbliku u qal li z-zghazagh mhux issikkithom trid imma tisma’ x’ghandhom xi jghidu.

“Din il-gimgha kellna prova tal-mod tal-misthija kif jahdem dan il-gvern. Ghax tfajla qalet dak li tahseb saret kampanja sistematika ta’ assissinju tal-karattru. Ghalija mhux accettabbli li jigi zaghzugh jew zaghzugha, anke jekk tigi quddiemi u tghidli li ma taqbel f’xejn mieghi, zgur li qatt mhu se nsikkitu jew insikkitha jew nitlob lil xi hadd jiehu d-dettalji. Dan huwa theddid tal-libertà tal-espressjoni li suppost ilna li hallejna warajna.

Esperjenzawhom fis-sittinijiet u sar hazin. Esperjenzajnihom fit-80ijiet u sar hazin ukoll.  U zgur mhux accettabbli li nergghu mmorru lura ghal dan iz-zmien. Ahna se nkunu spalla ma spalla maz-zghazagh u naghtuhom is-sahha li jiddeciedu u jitkellmu kif ihossu,” qal Dr Muscat.

Ahna ma rridux inpoggu sarima ma’ halq in-nies bhal mhu qed jaghmel haddiehor, imma rridu naghtu l-opportunita li nimxu ‘il quddiem u kulhadd jitkellem kif ihoss. Mhux se naccettaw fl-establishment konservattiv li jirredikola dak li jemmen ghax tghid u ijja dak ghandha 20 sena biss.


silvio said...

I fully agree with what Muscat said.
I doubt if anyone can find any fault in his words.

BondiBlog said...

@ Silvio - Toni Abela, the KullHadd editor, would. Read the previous posts and you'll see why.

JV said...


Joseph Muscat himself.

In 2008 he referred to the referendum result as having been dependent on the result of the following general election.

What does that mean?

Anonymous said...

It is very difficult to follow your blog with all the adverts. It takes ages to load. Is it possible to view it in a text only version?

Edward Caruana Galizia said...

This is not a question of freedom of expression.

" anke jekk tigi quddiemi u tghidli li ma taqbel f’xejn mieghi, zgur li qatt mhu se nsikkitu"- That s not what she did.She swore at him. There is a big difference. Anyone who has complained about the transport trouble has not been treated the same way.

"Dan huwa theddid tal-libertà tal-espressjoni li suppost ilna li hallejna warajna."- Tell that to your hero Mintoff.

"Esperjenzawhom fis-sittinijiet u sar hazin"- 1) now look who's bringing up the past.2) Really? You wouldn't happen to be refering to the "Mortal Sin" to vote labor when communism was totally undemocratic and a terror to the world...as indeed it turned out to be, not just to the world but to Malta too?

Dr Muscat is really trying to jump on a strange bandwagon. Everyone would like to swear at our politicians. It's so cliche it makes me sick that someone actually did it over buses as opposed to, I don't know, torture.

And let's not forget that it's his followers who often threaten and even try and blackmail journalists for speaking out against the PL.

These double standards are sickening.

Dr Muscat, you re not 20 years old yourself. So I have no idea what you are trying to prove, especially in light of the things I ve just mentioned.

Antoine Vella said...

Joseph Muscat is a specialist in the rhetorical genre known as empty talk.

No surprises.

Kenneth Cassar said...

Hadd ma sikkitha, u hadd ma ordna li jittiehdulha d-dettalji.

Il-liberali progressiv hu giddieb.

Anonymous said...

Mela f'kelma wahda jekk sentejn ohra joseph ikun primministru u jghamel xi haga li ma naqbilx maghha nista nmur nsib lilu u jew xi ministru narma nghajru kif immiss u hadd ma jehodli ismi hekk qed jiprova jghid jekk fhimtu sew.