28 November 2011

The paper without balls

Followers of this blog are familiar with my views of MaltaToday and its "journalists". It is nothing but the newsletter of a cult interested only in its private agendas. But yesterday's newsletter dived deeper down the cesspit than I ever thought possible.
Last week's groundbreaking story was Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera's decision to withdraw her court case against Daphne Caruana Galizia.

How did MaltaToday react? " ... perhaps the most intriguing question concerns Caruana Galizia's real motives in pursuing (successfully) a personal crusade against a magistrate who also happens to be sister to Labour's Spokesman on Home Affairs."

Unbelievable, truly unbelievable. Exclusively through Caruana Galizia's efforts - and certainly with no help from MaltaToday - we get to know all about Magistrate Scerri Herrera's lifestyle and behaviour. The nation's jaw drops as it beholds a woman who learnt her virtues and principles from the gutter. And finally the magistrate drops the court case she herself set in motion so that Caruana Galizia's words are allowed to stand. All of them. 

So how did Roger de Giorgio, Saviour Balzan and Raphael Vassallo (who wrote the story) read this extraordinary situation. Did they ask for the magistrate to step down from the bench? Nope. Did they call on the Chief Justice to exercise all the powers at his disposal to discipline the her? Forget it. Impeachment, maybe? You must be kidding.

On the contrary, MaltaToday turned on the journalist who had the courage to bring the story to the public's attention. 

Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. But I'm not surprised. For all their annoying self-praise and bluster, Daphne Caruana Galizia journalistic balls wiegh more than the half dozen Roger, Saviour and Raphael share between them.


Tikka said...

Isn't Malta Today a perfect example of why there should be no collusion between the judiciary and the media?

BunnyRabbit said...

Clobbering the messenger instead of the message.
That's the Maltatoday way.

Gimme More said...

I would have been gobsmacked had they said otherwise. That rag is the pits.

Anonymous said...

Maltatoday is fast becoming T.Y.O.M.II

Anonymous said...

I only see the headlines of this so called newspaper on the internet.It is not worth buying,better buy some cheesecakes.They should rename it LABOUR TODAY.

Orizzont said...

Saviour Balzan should tell us if he is doing consultancy work with the Labour Media with the specific objective to attack Lawrence Gonzi . Readers have a right to know what is Saviour's hidden agenda.

Tikka said...

@ Anonymous (1) Who says they're not TYOM?

Anonymous said...

Can Maltatoday be trusted to publish faithfully, all the data that has to do with their recent poll?