23 September 2011

Where's the bully beef, Justyne?

Justyne Caruana
Today, the Partit Laburista has just issued a press release (below) on school bullying.

I dare you to spot what 'azzjoni fuq il-problema' is being recommended, what the concrete party policy on the matter is and what they think the government is doing wrong.

23 ta’ Settembru 2011
Mahruga mid-Deputat Laburista Dr Justyne Caruana, Kelliem ghal Familja, Tfal u Persuni b’ Dizabilita’

Jehtieg azzjoni fuq il-problema tal-Bullying fl-iskejjel.

Fid-dawl ta’ l-informazzjoni moghtija ghall-mistoqsija parlamentari 27249 jirrizulta li fis-sena skolastika 2010-2011 il-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni rcieva 218-il rapport mill-iskejjel tal-Istat, tal-Knisja u Privati dwar allegati kazijiet ta’ bullying li sehhew fl-imsemmija skejjel. Dawn il-kazijiet kollha dahlu fil-qasam kontra l-ibbuljar fi hdan is-Safe Schools Programme tas-Servizzi Edukattivi Psiko-Socjali.
Peress li dalwaqt tibda sena skolasitka gdida, il-Partit Laburista jheggeg lil Gvern sabiex jiehu kull azzjoni mehtiega sabiex il-bullying u kazijiet ta’ vjolenza fl-iskejjel taghna jigi eliminat. Qed issir riferenza ghall-dokument importanti u ghar-rizoluzzjoni relattiva tal-Assembleja Parlamentari tal-Kunsill ta’ l-Ewropa bit-titolu “Education Against Violence at School”. F’dan id-dokument u rizoluzzjoni qed jigi emfasizzat li dan il-fenomenu qed jizdied fl-iskejjel u li hafna iktar tfal qed ibaghtu minn problemi psikologici ghaliex jisfaw vittmi ta’ vjolenza fizika u psikologika fl-iskejjel rispettivi.

Peress li skont l-informazzjoni moghtija huwa car li din il-problema hija wkoll prezenti fl-iskejjel taghna, ir-rakkomdazzjonijiet elenkati f’dan id-dokument isiru iktar rilevanti u important u ghalhekk ghandu jigi studjat u implimentat programm ta’ azzjonijiet u inizjattivi sabiex it-tfal taghna jkunu kuntenti fl-iskejjel taghna u b’hekk anke jkollhom esperjenza edukattiva li thalli l-frott u kif ukoll jghixu l-esperjenza skolastika b’serenita u liberi mill-biza u mill-vjolenza u dan kif wara kollox huwa stipulat fil-Konvenzjoni Internazzjonali dwar id-Drittijiet tat-Tfal tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti

Dr Justyne Caruana
Kelliem ghal Familja, Tfal u Persuni b’Dizabilita’


Anonymous said...

...how so? As with the "gaffa"/St.Edward's episode?

JV said...

Putting up a monument to Lorry Sant may not help either.

Antoine Vella said...

This statement by Caruana is yet another attestation of bad faith on the part of the PL.

Anyone even remotely interested in education in Malta knows that, for more than a decade, the Ministry of Education has been trying really hard to deal with bullying in schools.

As Caruana herself admits in the first paragraph, the Student Services Dept. of the ministry even has a special Anti-Bullying Unit and runs a "Safe Schools Programme" to deal with the phenomenon and with other cases of child abuse.

To answer your question Lou, the PL doesn't have any bully beef, only bull.

silvio said...


Am I allowed to add S..T to your last word(bull)

D Farru said...

Lou - I will give you a thousand ice-creams from Marsalforn you don't even know what the government is doing on bullying.

Maybe you should start by addressing the question to government and if you ever get a reply move on to the opposition.

You are verging on the ridiculous.

BullyBeef and Chips said...

Maaaaaa! Jeffri feels bullied;

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Wise words of advice to rulers from Niccolo Machiavelli-they still apply to politicians today-
"...if one holds his state on the basis of mercenary arms, he will never be firm or secure; because they are disunited, ambitious, without discipline, unfaithful; gallant among friends, vile among enemies; no fear of God, no faith with men; and one defers ruin insofar as one defers the attack; and in peace you are despoiled by them, in war by the enemy."

Wonder what Macchiavelli would have said about his lying to the PM about Mistragate?

Anonymous said...

Id dokument u rizoluzzjoni "Education Against Violence at School" fih rakommandazzjonijiet li Justyne qed tghid li l-gvern ghandu jaghtihom iktar importanza.

So, 'l-azzjoni fuq il-problema' hija li r-rakommandazzjonijiet elenkati fid-dokument forsi jistghu jittiehdu iktar bis-serjeta. Semplici hafna.


Anonymous said...

Lou, we dare you to spot what your point is!

BondiBlog said...

@Anonymous - If you don't get the point in the post, you lack the capability to get it.

Anonymous said...

What Justyne is saying is that the safe schools programme is not enough and we should look more into this matter. Can't anyone read between the lines?

She is suggesting that we start to follow more closely the document Education Against Violence at School which was issued by the Council for Europe. You people should get a life, why do you have to always have a war between blue and red. Blue has its goods and bad's just like the reds and just like everything in life. Can't really see why you attacked Dr.Caruana on this issue.