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Forget the tortured nanny, Bondiplus is what he's worried about |
Ronnie Pellegrini, a current PL employee and former Lorry Sant thug, called for my head to be chopped off. A few hours later, Tony Zarb, the GWU secretary general, made exactly the same call through his official organ, l-Orizzont.
Repeating the PL's blatant lie that Bondiplus has been repeatedly found guilty of breaking the law, Tony Zarb's editorial line is that allowing me to go on air amounts to "a provocation of the people" and "a declaration of war against the PL". Hard to believe? It get's worse.
With Bondiplus back on air, says Tony Zarb through his paper, this country will become worse than Syria, Egypt, Tunesia and - wait for it - Libya. For Tony Zarb's l-Orizzont, the liberation of Malta from me is equivalent to Libya's liberation from Muammar Gaddafi. Stop worrying about the 50,000 deaths in Libya, turn off the horrific images of the Gaddafi family's tortured nanny. The 100,000 who watch Bondiplus are about to meet a worse fate, says Tony Zarb's official organ.
Finding it impossible to believe? Stop doubting. Here is what Tony Zarb's editorial says:
"Din hija biss sfida lill-poplu u dikjarazzjoni ta’ gwerra mill-PBS kontra l-Partit Laburista u dak kollu li mhux PN. La kulħadd jaf li Lou Bondi hu Nazzjonalist ferventi, kulħadd jassumi li dan jaf kif għandu jinfilsa l-programmi tiegħu fl-aġenda ta’ GonziPN meta l-PBS irdoppjalu l-programmi ħalli jkompli jaġevola lill-PN u jikkritika bl-iżjed mod dirett lill-Oppożizzjoni.
Xbajna nirrepetu li Malta taħt GonziPN bl-ebda mod mhija pajjiż normali, imma anke f’pajjiżi mhux normali bħall-Eġittu, is-Sirja, it-Tuneżija u l-Libja, meta saru l-protesti fit-toroq tagħhom l-ewwel ma ġie mitlub kien li “jitnaddaf” ix-xandir tal-istat, arma b’saħħitha f’idejn ir-reġim. Kif u meta ġew illiberati, daħal nifs ġdid demokratiku fost il-poplu. Meta l-forzi tar-ribelli daħlu fi Tripli, segwejna kif l-istazzjon nazzjonali Libjan, li kien mgħasses minn tankijiet tal-gwerra, baqa’ jiddikjara li r-rebħa kienet ta’ Gaddafi u jxewwex għal iżjed tixrid ta’ demm.
Minn kif il-PBS sfida lill-poplu Malti u ġie jitmejjel mill-aspirazzjonijiet demokratiċi tiegħu, aħna wkoll jeħtieġ inħejju ruħna għal tmiem simili meta jitħabbar ir-riżultat elettorali ... "
(click: Sfida nazzjonali akbar)
Me thinks you are enjoying every minute of this story and most especially you are glad for all the free publicity Bondi+ is getting :-)
Lou, you did expose your ass to all sorts of attacks lately. And well, just like that Scottish guy in Braveheart, you got one arrow in your ass... (I'm joking, but the metaphor holds).
The following are comments on this post which were originally put on facebook:
Robert Tagliaferro Juri kemm jifhem x'kien qed jigri fi Libja !
Vincent Valletta Why do you bother with this bunch of idiots ?
Hubert Zammit Mr Valletta.......agree 100%!!
Dominic Vella tista ma taqbielx mieghek lou imma bla dubju ma xebh benek u id-ditattur gaddafi., nahseb sur zarb ma gharafx ix-xebah.
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.
Double fare of Bondi+ for 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 seems to be preparing the way for 2013-2014, when the probability is that it would have to be aired on NET TV.
Someone who signed 'Anonymous' sent in the following comment. My response is in caps.
"Did Tony Zarb actually write it? Since when is he the editor? Or are you reverting the words in the editorial back to him since he is the Secretary General of the GWU, the owner of the news paper? THE EDITORIAL LINE IS ALWAYS DETERMINED BY THE OWNER, THE GWU, WHICH IS RUN BY TONY ZARB. INCIDENTALLY, WHAT IS YOUR POINT EXACTLY (A) THAT TZ IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE EDITORIAL VIEWS OR (B) THAT THESE VIEWS ARE WRONG? @Anonymous In all probability I guess it would make more sense for WE to open their own station since they have enough programs to cover all the hours of the day. Of course I don't know if that would make sense financially. YOU ARE WRONG. WHERE'S EVERYBODY AIRS A TOTAL OF 7 HOURS WORTH OF PROGRAMMES A WEEK. OUT OF THESE 7 ONLY THREE ARE DEDICATED TO CURRENT AFFAIRS, BONDIPLUS AND XARABANK. AND THE LATTER OFTEN DEALS WITH NON-CURRENT AFFAIRS TOPICS. THE ONLY MONOPOLY WE PROGRAMMES HAVE IS IN THE POPULARITY AND QUALITY STAKES AND WE ARE VERY PROUD OF THAT.
By Anonymous on This man says that I am worse than Gaddafi at 22:09
Bondiplus is by far my favourite programme. The best informative TV programme that Malta has ever had. Even the people that despise you watch you religiously.
GWU's membership has been declining steadily as more people are realizing that the union is causing them more damage with their employers than helping them.
A trade union should not be a tool of a political party.
Avanti popolo.....
What's hilarious is that he states this in his own newspaper.
Remember when he was all flustered for turning up late for the program?
He thought he'd miss the complimentary gift, a bottle of wine perhaps?
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