22 November 2011

Toni's Boot Camp Boys & Girls

I don't know what it is about Toni Abela, the PL deputy leader but I keep coming across one howler of his after another. On Sunday he was busy talking about sodomy and denigrating gay men.

Here is another pearl of political wisdom that Toni Abela cast our way. 
Worried about the lack of discipline of your 18 or 20-year old son or daugher? Don't worry, Toni has the answer: draft all those ending their teens into regiments performing community tasks and run like military units. Here is what he has in mind.

"Jiena nipproponi li jkun hemm perjodu ta’ servizz socjali bi hlas ghal zghazagh bejn it-tmintax u l-ghoxrin sena, f’korpi civili izda b’dixxiplina stretta.  Ma jkunux suldati, izda ikunu f’korp b’kodici ta’ dixxiplina militari.

"... dan ix-xorta ta’ servizz civili li kull zaghzugh ikollu jaghmel, ihalli l-marka tieghu fuq il-karattru ta’ kull zaghzugh ... Il-holqien ta’ korpi civili dixxiplinari jista’ jkun l-ewwel pass lejn il-possibilita’ li f’pajjizna nergghu nibdew naraw xi ftit ta’ dixxiplina u ordni." (Toni Abela Blog, 9 January, 2007)

First the Pijunieri, then the Dejma, and now Toni's Boot Camp Boys & Girls


Gimme More said...

Our Toni sure can put his boot in

Mark Anthony Sammut said...

It is true that their is a severe discipline problem in today's young generation. Actually I don't think he's much off the mark, though the way he's presenting it is not exactly what I would have in mind. But many countries still have a period of mandatory military service in force, with an option to do community service instead. I think it does instill a greater sense of civic duty and respect.

JV said...


dixxiplina say all of us. Punctuality for a start....

silvio said...

I don't think there is anything wrong in teaching our young generation the meaning of the word dicipline.
They should be made to do community service,and they should be made to understand that they have to start giving something back to their country in exchange for the loads of benifits that the country is giving them.
I hope that this will be included in th P.L electoral manifesto.

Anonymous said...

Is this true? Is this man insane? Does this mean that I am forced to enrol myself in a group, even if I don't want to? Is that Liberalism or autocracy? I'll ask, because I can't understand what they mean by their liberalism. Liberalism means liberty. The citizen is sovereign and has the supreme right to chose and live free from dictatorship. Liberalism is of course, subject to the rule of law, where the law calls for the liberty of civilians and civil rights. I honestly think that the man is an utter idiot to come up with this policy. Consequently, I think that the PN's competitive advantage is the PL's Deputy Leaders. But at least and at last we can get a feel, of what their plans are, even though he was not Deputy Leader when he wrote this article.

Tikka said...

What sort of discipline does Toni Abela practise? On second thoughts, I'd rather not know.

What I'd really like to know is how he plans on instilling discipline in his political party - starting with teaching its leader to be on time and to do his homework properly.

Tikka said...


You're assuming that all the young are undisciplined spongers and that all those who are not so young are not.

Tikka said...

What sort of discipline does Toni Abela practise? On second thoughts, I'd rather not know.

What I'd really like to know is how he plans on instilling discipline in his political party - starting with teaching its leader to be on time and to do his homework properly.

Antoine Vella said...

The dream of a society based on "discipline and order" is typical of the far right and Toni Abela has publicly said that the MLP (as it was then) might have to move to the right.

The idea that a stint in a military environment will instill discipline is fallacious. In the military the emphasis is primarily on obedience at all costs, not self-discipline.

Soldiers, or whatever Abela wants to call them, would have to obey officers even when they think their orders are wrong.

Is this kind of blind subservience healthy in a civil society? Is this the sort of citizen we want to raise?

What is lacking today in many young people is motivation not discipline.

Fair's fair said...

@ Antoine Vella "The dream of a society based on "discipline and order" is typical of the far right..."

It is also typical of the extreme left and dictatorships. But we expect no better from labour! A quarter of a century in opposition and they have learnt NOTHING!

Is this their vision for our youth? Treating them like criminals who get community work in lieu of a prison sentence?