11 November 2011

When angels speak

After Anglu Farrugia, the PL leader, participated in Bondi+ I recieved the following comment from a high ranking EU official in Brussels.

For obvious reasons, I am not revealing his identity.

Dear Mr Bondi,

Following your programme with Anglu Farrugia I noticed again a confusing use of terms for the institutions of the European Union:

First John Dalli is ''Kummissarju tal-Ewropa'' - well, ok, but then when mentioning the reccomendations of the Council of the European Union he refers to ''Kunsill tal-Ewropa''.

Of course he meant the ''Kunsill Ewropew'' or to be more precise ''il-Kunsill'' or ''il-Kunsill tal-Ministri/tal-Unjoni'' and not the Council of Europe who is frying other fish altogether (democracy and human rights).

Ok, this is pedantic, and why should your viewers care?

The only reason why I would care is that this is done systematically by almost all PL speakers (possibly excluding Joseph Muscat and Luciano Busuttil).

And of course, Anglu Farrugia will, in January 2017, be CHAIRING the General Affairs Council in that ''Kunsill tal-Ewropa'' - that General Affairs Council (the lead configuration out of 10 Council Configurations) is the backbone of the Brussels machinery - it prepares European Councils (Merkel, Sarkozy, Barroso and co) and takes charge of the key legislative and political decisions of the Member States in the Council.

Yours sincerely,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Observer said...

Ho do we know you didn't wrote that yourself?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Lou, has not your viewer/reader more pressing matters to draw his/her attention to with the EU about to fall to pieces around him/her, rather than worry about this pompous and totally incompetent Maltese "politician" and the possibility of his chairing the GAC 6 years down the line?

If pedantry is the subject, then he/she may want to hop over to the nearest outlet and grab a can of deodorant. Not that I would want to engage in such nit-picking, but I'm sure he/she's not unaware of the good advice by our elders: biex tiskonġra trid tkun pur.

Andrew said...

It is an very unusual 'high ranking EU official' who does not know that since 2008 the rotating Presidency no longer chairs Council meetings. Even more strange is that he or she thinks that the President of European Commission (....Barroso) is a member of the European Council.
Are you sure it was not the janitor of the Munxar Local Council you spoke to?

silvio said...

The fact that he was following your programm, makes him a high Maltese E.U.official.
Just like what you said about John Dalli,of not having the right to interfere in local politics, should also count for this learned gentleman.

Anonymous said...

Judging from the comments above, ma tistax tigik wahda tajba dan l-ahhar Lou.

Ganni said...

@ Andrew - You seem to be highly qualified on these matters - maybe Dr Farrugia needs you in his team(Special advisor on the ''Phantom EU'') Check you facts (Wikipedia might help you on this one).

Daniel said...


If it is the Munxar LC janitor he obviously knows more about the EU than you do. Presidency of the General Affairs Council is rotated between the member states and the President of the Commission is a member of the European Council.

Matt said...

"And of course, Anglu Farrugia will, in January 2017, be CHAIRING the General Affairs Council in that ''Kunsill tal-Ewropa'' - that General Affairs Council (the lead configuration out of 10 Council Configurations) is the backbone of the Brussels machinery - it prepares European Councils (Merkel, Sarkozy, Barroso and co) and takes charge of the key legislative and political decisions of the Member States in the Council."

Wow, it seems Anglu will be doing a lot of jobs. I've already read in another blog that he will be Minister of Interior while you said in your program that he might be Minister of Foreign affairs (judging by past deputy prime ministers) and at the same time he is shadow Minister for Work....

Antoine Vella said...

Anglu Farrugia is a blustering bumbling politician, a home-grown version of George W. Bush at his funniest.

Can you imagine the lampooning by people like Jay Leno and Conan O'brien if our Anglu were an American politician?

I bet he doesn't know - or care - where Uzbekistan is, either.

Tikka said...

This pompous and totally incompetent Maltese "politician" is likely to be Malta's deputy prime minister in less than two years' time.

"With the EU about to fall to pieces" (sic), circumspection is prudence, not pedantry.

wazza(gozo) said...

@observer we surely know you didn't write it judging by your english You Twat!

John said...

Sempliciment rrid nghidlek grazzi ghall-programm li tellajt ftit ilu fuq Bondi+ dwar l-Interdett. Din hija t-tip ta' materja li wiehed jistenna fi programmi gurnalistici ta' valur. L-istorja ta' Malta hija mzewqa b'avvinementi ta' din ix-xorta. Toqghodx tintilef fuq il-frak tal-qiegh ghax tispicca titfarrak bhalhom.

Mill-gdid, nerga' nghidlek grazzi u nawguralek li zzomm il-livell ta' produzzjoni gholja kif ghamilt hawn, li fl-ahhar mill-ahhar, hi dik li tixraqlek.

Observer said...

@ Wazza(Gozo)

OK, so I missed two typos - due to my bad habit of clicking before giving myself a chance to check the post.

Your errors,on the other hand, were no typos, but show a profound ignorance of the rules governing capitalisation in the English (not english) language.

So who's the twat (not Twat) now?