13 July 2011

Lawrence should strike, not Domenic (updated)

Domenic Azzopardi, was about to pilot Air Malta pilots towards a strike. He met the prime minister in a last ditch effort to avert it and after three hours they did. As luck would have it, I am now in possession of the pilots' collective agreement. 

The package includes the following

  • €54,000 - €80,000 yearly salary, not including bonuses and allowances. The latter range from €3,000 to €4650 a year
  • Those who have 10 - 20 years of service get an extra one week's salary a year, and those who have 20-25 years get an extra week and a half.
  • Eight off days in each of four particular months and nine in each of the remaining ones
  • A pilot is on duty for a maximum of 2000 hours a year, less than half of which is spent actually flying a plane
  • 24 days vacation leave or public holidays
  • 33 sick leave days on full pay and another 33 on half pay
  • Free chauffeur driven car to and from work
  • Free flights
  • Free meal for every 5 hours on duty
  • Free permanent health insurance and life assurance
  • Those who reach the age of 55 and have put in 25 years of service are automatically entitled to early retirement.

My point in relaying this information is not to foment class envy, not at all. In fact, in a previous post I wrote that pilots deserve such a package and probably more. The point is that they should be the last to lecture the company on where to cut expenses. In fact, they make as much, if not more than the prime minister, even with the increase the latter had given himself. 

Puts things in perspective doesn't it? If political life was fair, from the meeting in Castille it should have been Lawrence Gonzi who came out to announce a strike for being underpaid. Not Domenic.


Anonymous said...

Here's how you put things into perspective:

Maltese politicians should earn less then their UK counterparts. Why? Because of the size of the country, amount of responsibility etc. etc. etc.

Similarly, Maltese journalists, such as yourself Lou, earn less then their BBC counterparts (for obvious reasons of course!).

However, in the case of some professions, e.g. academics, airline pilots etc. etc., the Maltese deserve roughly the same amount, as the conditions are relatively similar to those found elsewhere.

That rather puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

jkrapinett said...

Nahseb il-prim ahjar lahaq pilota mili prim . Nahseb is-sur Domenic nesa inizel li ghandhom bzon ukoll ta dry cleaning haba luniformi ukoll iktar flights bxejn ghal familjari jew hbieb .
Nahseb ahjar il prim jaqbad u igib pilots barranin kief ghamlu l-Arriva bid drivers .
Kullahd jitlalu ghar rasu il poter .

jkrapinett said...

Nahseb il-Prim ghamel zbal talab iz zieda missu mar pilot tigih aktar tajjba . Is-Sur Domenic nesa li ghandhom bzon id dry cleaning u ukoll aktar flights bxejn ghal familjari u l hbieb .
Manafx imma nahseb li iz zejjed bhan nieqes ux.
Il-prim immissu igi pilots barranin u jaqtalhom mil paga dikinhar ta lis strike . U naraw min vera jibza ghal xogholhom jidher bic car li ma tantx hemm min haddhemm ma xi kunpanija barranija.Jew ma taghlmux biz zejed.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Lou.

Do the workers in the other departments have to call a strike to be guaranteed that the maximum of them will be retained by the company?

Christian said...

Lou, I agree with you. Maltese pilots do have such packages, and they do deserve them. (1) Much of what appears to be luxury is there for health and safety purposes. (2) Air Malta does NOT afford to give the pilots lower salaries. If it does, then it will only get novice pilots (who'd work until they get the hours required to work for bigger companies, and leave). If that were to be the case I'd be the first not to use Air Malta!

This said, I still don't understand why you link their packages to whether they should lecture the company about cost cuttings. To my opinion the two things are either unrelated, or else related in exactly the opposite way (i.e. opposite to your argument)... (1) The pilots' packages are attractive enough to make the fight (whatever they believe it should be), worth fighting. The employees earning average salaries would probably find similar employment and benefits elsewhere (2) If the pilots' salary is justifiable, and if other things are not, then what is not justified should still be rectified... It's as simple as that...

So if one would want to criticise the pilots, one should do so on the basis of other things than their salaries. In view of this, I'd argue that your article is baseless.

As a separate point: politicians do not take political roles for the salaries! But for the benefit that they can do to society at large!! That is indeed more valuable, and prestigious. It enables thousands of people to earn more!

Anonymous said...

This looks more like an advert (paid advert) for a post of pilot position rather than a politically biased attack. Obviously for the man on the street it is just a horrendous scandal of how can a person 'doing so little get so much'-isn't it not this what you had in mind lou? All the best for you to get lucky in getting other pilot's pay packages and maybe also open a new tread showing them by comparison if you really believe in the intelligence of a person. Nevermind its just political agenda that matters, factual truth is not for lawyers and their muppets. Curiosity killed the cat, but how much does a muppet make in cash, non cash, favours and other perks......we all need to be a muppet first to 'get lucky and find out'.

Anonymous said...

A page dripping with envious bile and drivel.... disgusting....

Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight:

Airmalta pilots earn about 66% of what other pilots earn. Any less and you'll have another bunch of resignations. No pilots=no flights.

2 days off per week same as other workers.

Law determines maximum hours pilots may work, obviously in the interests of safety.

Pilots work on Sundays, Public Holidays, why even on Easter, Xmas and New Year! They are also known to fly at night.

Pilots must be 100% medically fit, and even a simple cold would preclude them from flying for a couple of weeks.

Punctuality and lack of decent 24 hr public transport to/from airport dictate that transport must be provided.

Industry standard. And not free, they still pay taxes etc which sometimes makes the ticket more expensive than an LCC one.

Again industry standard. And pilots can't pop out to the nearest restaurant for a snack whilst on duty.

Same as all the rest of Maltese workers. 'Free' (and tardy) health care paid by our taxes.

Same as the Police, Army and all of Airmalta management.

So what's your point?

Anonymous said...

jkrapinett, prova gib bdoti barranin u ara kemm jithallsu.

l istess int sur bondi, ghaliex ma urejtx is salarji u kundizzjonijiet ta bdoti barranin? is suq jiddetta dawk il kundizzjonijiet. supply and demand. m ghamiltx xi scoop ax urejt il collective agreement tal bdoti. kulhadd jaf li barra min malta jithallsu hafna ahjar.

il bdoti ma kienux ser jiskrajkjaw al zieda jew kundizzjonijiet ahjar. il bdoti riedu juru il pastazati ta kuntratti li jezistu fl airmalta, li qed jehilbu l kumpanijja. facli tkecci partita nies u thalli l min ilu jerdgha jibqa jerdgha sal ahhar.

artikli bhal dan tieghek sur bondi ma jaghmel xejn ghajr iqajjem suspetti dwar il lejaltajiet tieghek.

M Debattista said...

Thanks for the info Lou but frankly speaking I do not care what their collective agreement states.
Instead of trying to shift facts, as from what I understand ALPA was threatening to strike mainly to stop "il-klikka" from further draining of Air Malta's funds, why don't you as a professional journalist investigate ALPA's claims re these contracts. Maybe after all its true that a few businessman, connected to both political sides are draining Air Malta to death.

mdebattista said...

Thanks for the info Lou but frankly speaking I do not care what their collective agreement states.
Instead of trying to shift facts, as from what I understand ALPA was threatening to strike mainly to stop "il-klikka" from further draining of Air Malta's funds, why don't you as a professional journalist investigate ALPA's claims re these contracts. Maybe after all its true that a few businessman, connected to both political sides are draining Air Malta to death.

Anonymous said...


The pilot collective agreement is there for all to see. Every cent they earn is declared and they pay every last penny of tax. With that they subsidise stuff such as PBS, which in turn then puts on silly programmes every Monday evening in which a person spends most of the time telling us he likes rock and goes on holiday to Tuscany.

Anonymous said...

Now that you have enlightened us with your investigative finding in pilots pay packet will you investigate how previous minister responsable for airmalta,and ex chairperson, ex ceo did not come with any quick costs cuts (10,000000 euro)as already been achived by present ceo in just feww weeks beig pushed by Capt Azzopardi.Read ceo letter to staff f airmalta.

Xirka said...

Jaqaw m'ghandekx x'taghmel Lou?
Il Mina se jaghmluhilek jew?? Ghax stajt ghamilt programm fuq il problemi tal pajjiz u Air Malta minflok.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if Anonymous also has a flat in Qala Lou and by the way as to the comment 'Punctuality and lack of decent 24 hr public transport to/from airport dictate that transport must be provided.....this dude needs to get a life! Has he heard about people owning private cars, or maybe pilots prefer to use the buses. I was once told that the 'taxi service' for cabin and flight crew was to prevent them getting to work late. What toss! I know they are responsible enough to get there on time if they had to, that is why I trust them with my life. The taxi service is yet another nail in the coffin of what should be our pride and joy. Our National Airline!

BondiBlog said...

There is someone signing "Anonymous" who has sent the following comment to be posted. I will comment in caps after it. Here it is: "call yourself a journalist Mr Bondi? then i guess this is the neutral and fair journalism you are notorious for a pilot has 300+ lives in his hands directly EVERY SINGLE TIME HE GOES TO WORK not even a surgeon gets close to that in a month of operations! and u just have a laptop on which to churn-out PN-biased sewage. keep it up!" IF THIS IS A PILOT, I AM WORRIED. S/HE DOES NOT SEEM TO KNOW HOW TO READ. IN TWO POSTS, INCLUDING THIS ONE, I WROTE THAT PILOTS DESERVE THE MONEY THEY GET, PERHAPS MORE. AS FOR THE REST OF THE COMMENT, ALL I WILL SAY IS THIS: WHEN ARGUMENTS FAIL, MUD COMES IN HANDY.

BondiBlog said...

This is becoming tiresome. A certain 'mdebattista' has asked whether I am or was an Air Malta consultant. The same question has been sent repeatedly under various pseudonys or by 'Anonymous'. Hilarious. I worked on a very small project for Air Malta in 1994 or 1995. For which I earned less than a pilot earns in a couple of months. Now Mr/Ms mdebattista, can you tell me what your point is? Oh I get it, it was me who bankrupted Air Malta.

BondiBlog said...

Someone signing Icarus sent the following comment. My reactions are in caps: "What ever has possessed you Lou? Here we are with our National airline bankrupt and no journalist has picked up the trail of corruption. Instead you shoot the messenger? Shame on you. Where are your morals? I am a Nationalist as you are, however I abhor corruption by whoever, especially when it is institutionalised and ingrained such that it effects our national institutions. I would have expected a journalist of your calibre to investigate such claims; claims which after all, Air Malta's CEO, Minister Fenech as well as Gonzi himself, have not denied, but actually accepted and promised (guaranteed) a remedy. IF YOU HAVE EVIDENCE OF CORRUPTION, COME AND TALK TO ME FACE TO FACE. AND I WILL ON THIS BLOG OR ON TV, AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY.

Someone signing Dahhaqna Lou sent the following comment. My reactions are in caps: What a load of crap Lou! I cannot believe you stooped so low, then again, why am I surprised! What you forgot to mention is that these people also pay about €3000/month in tax out of the figures you mentioned (OH I SEE YOU WANT TO MAKE MORE MONEY THAN THE PM AND NOT PAY TAXES AS WELL) to subsidise people on social services or people talking shop on national TV such as yourself (BULLSHIT. WHERE'S EVERYBODY PROGRAMMES MAKE MONEY FOR PBS NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND.) Perhaps you should tell us what your salary is....or more importantly what your cut is in things like the 'entry into EU' celebrations (CUT? WHAT CUT? WE ORGANISED THE DAMN THING.) Why didn't the Pime Minister ask for a reduction in salaries for pilots? ask yourself why Lou. (BECAUSE HE IS NOT AN IDIOT AND NEITHER AM I. THAT IS WHY SAID THAT PILOTS DESERVE TO GET PAID MORE THAN THEY DO.) Why don't you mention that a good number of pilots spent €60,000 in training out of their pocket without employment gurantees? (DO YOU WANT TAXPAYERS TO PAY IT TOO? INTERESTING.)Perhaps that explains why there are so many lawyers but so few pilots on the market. Why didn't you have a program on Air Malta? (I DID) When Gonzi won the last election you told him in the first interview that you would give him a hard time with your questions during the next five years.....FQAJTU BID DOMANDI, lanqas jorqoghod bil lejl See more... bil biza! (THAT IS FOR VIEWERS TO JUDGE NOT MYSELF) Perhaps you should have had a program on divorce (would love to see that one!)or Arriva just to ensure people look elsewhere whilst a small group of individuals make money off Air Malta contracts. What pilots earn, they bargained for, and at Air Malta its still much less than at other airlines. Maybe you should become a pilot too, and face the problems when they arise rather than turning green at the first sign of turbulence. Just refresh our memories will you? did you go to Tripoli to interview the Maltese escaping, or did you wait for them here after the pilots went there to pick them up? (OH PLEASE, CUT THE CRAP)

Anonymous said...

Air Malta pilots want it all. They requested a 30% increase in salary over and above another 30% increase they got in the last collective agreement some 2 years ago.

This, when other staff within the airline have not seen a pay rise since 2004 - a total of seven years.

They were not really fighting against the corrupt contracts (yes they are indeed corrupt!) but for themselves.

If they want more money its simple – please look abroad! But hey no they want to stay in Malta and have a cushy job. Cushy yes! Do you know how much Air Malta pilots fly? Compare this with other airlines… and you will be really surprised! Surprised for a lack of a better word. During February for example some of them had not flown more than 4 flights a month!

This when 75% of them have had their 100,000 euro training paid by Air Malta!

Disgusting! Some of them live in cuckoo land.

I appeal to them to be realistic and look at the mirror. If they truly have the airline at heart they should point out corruption (as they did) but also be responsible in the way they act.

As stated above they should empathize more with other staff members who STILL receive the SAME salary of 2004 - prior to the moratorium.

If not they will lose credibility as they ALREADY did!

KM employee

James Green said...

The shame Mr Lou Bondi is not that the pilots are earning so much but that the rest of you are earning so little!

Anonymous said...

KM Employee:

The claim that pilots were requesting a 30% pay increase is FALSE. Don't believe all that is said on the local media. The strike was never about an increase in pay but about the corrupt contracts and the mismanagement that is rampant throughout the company.

The strike was meant to make sure that the airline has a future, so that even you might have a slim chance of keeping your job.

It was in EVERYONE's interest, not just the pilots.

Maybe they should really just concentrate on themselves instead of the whole company, if this is the thanks they get from people like you and those 62 traitors who filed a judicial protest against them (the cheek!)

Anonymous said...

@ Anonmymous

Let us not forget that it was the Pilots you complain so much about that took a pay cut in 2004!!

And let us not forget that they are NOT striking for any pay increases.

Mr. Bondi, you stated that the article was not intended to create any classist frustration, but unfortunately that is exactly what it did.

Some jobs are higher paid than others, it is useless comparing one to the other.

The important thing to note here and the only news worth of an article on this blog is that the pilots' union was ready to take the bullet in order to bring to light the ludicrous contracts signed by KM managers which is what is really putting KM under the bus!

Anonymous said...

A very sly move I would say by the choice of words, from a journalist whom I thought had some investigative qualities. Sorry to be so disappointed in you Mr Bondi.
This country is surely going to the gutters with no one to check about its administration mishaps and instead attacking the messenger. Are you taking us back to Cpmmunist Tirana Broadcast?
The ultimate result of your blogg is ofcourse the one you denied: Reintroducing class haterd.

BondiBlog said...

Someone signing Anonymous sent the following comment. My reactions are in caps: "Lou, so basically you are saying that a Maltese captain earns Euros 85,000 but failed to realise that a Ryan Air Capt in malta earns about Euros 120,000. So where is the scoop? Iva, issa jgibu pilots" AGAIN, YOU REFUSE TO SEE THE CENTRAL POINT. I COULDN'T CARE LESS HOW MUCH MALTESE PILOTS MAKE AND I SAID A NUMBER OF TIMES ALREADY. I EVEN SAID THAT GIVEN THEIR RESPONSIBILITY THEY PERHAPS DESERVE TO BE PAID MORE. THE POINT IS THAT IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THE HIGHEST PAID EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY WHO CALL FOR A CRIPPLING STRIKE.